~~~Chapter 12: A breakfast talk with 'him..'~~~

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"DETENTION!" Snape boomed at the two Slytherin's who stood in front of him. "And to think it was people in my own house!"

Gordon was quick to object as he stood up from his designated stool and yelled straight into Snape's face. 

"Sit down, Potter!" Snape curled his hand in disgust. "If you weren't in Slytherin I would have made sure that you would have lost 50 points each at a minimum!" 

"You wont dare to punish 'the chosen one'!" Gordon screamed. There were tears falling down his face and he had became a deep red which Asha chuckled at. 

"Stop laughing girl!" Snape snapped as he stared at her green eyes, almost piercing her soul.
Asha could have sworn she heard him mutter something about Lily Potter but chose to ignore it. 

"S... Sorry sir" She mumbled, holding back a smirk and frown at the same time. 

"You should be sorry!  Now run along to your lessons, you will be imformed when your detention is next Tuesday." Snape said with his disgruntled expression unwavering. With that he stormed out of his office, leaving the siblings alone.


"You ruin everything! My parents will hear how you treated me!" Gordon bellowed as he continued sob. 

Asha rolled her eyes at his attitude. He was always like this: Acting tough whenever he had backup, but the minute he had even some trouble, he would burst into tears. 

"There my parents too..." Asha muttered, "Anyways, what are they gonna do? Im all safe here whilst your parents are stuck at are stupid mansion." She purposefully emphasised the 'your' out of spite. 

"I don't care if they are your parents! They actually love me, unlike you!" 

Asha walked the opposite direction without uttering another word. 
What he had said was true, there was no denying it.


The following day Asha had sat next to Nyra in the Great Hall. 
Draco and his friends had once again shunned them, cutting them off from everyone. A rumour had begun that Asha had nearly killed Draco and Gordon was the saviour of the situation. 

"Have you heard the rumours?" Nyra muttered as she enjoyed a large portion of bacon. 

"What? That I'm a bad guy? Yes I kn..." Asha was cut off by Nyra who pointed excitedly over to Harry. 

"No no no! It's Harry, he's illegibly joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team!" 

Asha's eyes widened. There was millions of questions flying through her head at once.
"Is... But he.. How? He's not..." 

"I think you had better talk to him." Nyra encouraged, "I'm only speaking off rumours. He will know it all."

"But were not speaking..."

"Oh will you end this stupid fight! It's obvious you still care for him, why else would you have hit Draco?"

Asha looked down defeated. "What do I say? I mean, what if he hates me! I... He did last time.."

"He doesn't... He was just dealing with loads of emotions at once. So were you. Just say your sorry, simple as that." Nyra replied before standing up. "Now I've got to do.. A project. I'll see you later."

Asha watched as Nyra walked away for 'a project'. 
She slowly stood up herself and trudged over to the Gryffindor table. Along the way some Slytherin had thrown a plate worth of mash potato at her. Asha wiped it of before continuing. 

The ABUSED twin... - Asha Potter - Harry Potter OCWhere stories live. Discover now