~~~Chapter 14: A heated talk~~~

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Asha stood frozen to the spot not knowing what to do or say.
Nyra allowed the silence to float in the air for what felt like an eternity until she walked away from the door and laid down on her bed without uttering another word.

Asha watched her laying in bed until Nyra turned over to look away from her.
"I... Ummmm... I was trying to follow you..." Asha said attempting to calm down her friend.

There was no response.

Asha was completely confused as to why Nyra was even mad at her in the first place - she had done nothing wrong. She was even more worried however at why Nyra had decided to not even argue with her.
"Nyra... I'm sorry... Please just talk to me." Asha practically begged. She got out of bed and gently prodded Nyra.

Nyra wasn't having this and sat up fast, pushing Asha's hand off her.
"Asha! Don't you understand? You could have been killed! You don't understand anything that's going on."

Asha took several steps back and crashed down on her bed.
"What do you mean by 'don't understand' exactly?" She asked.

"You don't understand anything about everything! Did you even get told about that night? What about you and Harry's scars?" Nyra retorted. She was obviously trying her best to not scream at Asha.

"Yes! Of course I have! And you want to know something else? Your being needlessly dramatic!"

Nyra took a breathe and whispered slowly, "I wish I was Asha..." before leaving the room.

After a minute, Asha shot up from bed to get to class. She kept replaying Nyra's words over and over in her head. 'What about you and Harry's scars?' Does Nyra know something that she doesn't?


Asha ended up spending most of the day attempting to get answers out of Nyra but by lunch break she had clearly given up. She was lying by a tree in the sun which faced the Black Lake. Nyra was leaning on the tree right next to her but barely speaking.
"Why are you here if you aren't going to talk to me?"

"Would you rather I left?"

"Well... No... But your..." Asha became silent, she had already tried to get Nyra to speak and it felt like they were going round in circles.

After another awkward silence. A voice spoke quietly, to the other side of the tree.
"Hey... Nyra, thank you for saving me earlier..."

both Asha and Nyra turned their heads to see Hermione standing there accompanied by Harry and Ron. It seemed that none of them had noticed Asha and Asha was perfectly fine to drift into the shadows.

"No problem Hermione."

Ron was the first one to notice Asha sitting with her head resting on her hands and looking out over the Black lake, ignooring them.
"Asha? Are you ok?" Ron tentatively asked her. He had struggled to ever talk with Asha, getting the closest when they were on the train which was swiftly crushed when She was put in Slytherin. Since then Asha's simply been Harry's twin sister.

Asha looked up, nodded her head gently and looked back away.

Harry had noticed something was wrong as he had seen this noncorresponding version of Asha before.
"Asha? What's wrong?"

Unlike with Ron, Asha wasn't going to lie to her brother.
"Maybe you should look for Nyra for the answer to that."

Nyra heard her name and turned away from Hermione to face the others.
"Answer to what?"

"Answer to why Asha's upset."

"Oh... That's hardly my fault.

With that Asha stood up and spoke up, "Why wont you talk to me? What Happened when I got separated for you because of the stairs moving that I don't know?"

"You didn't tell her?" Harry asked Nyra.

"No, she didn't tell me where she went so I didn't tell her our story."

"You never asked me!" Asha moved directly in front of Nyra, "You didn't even say anything! Do you just think that everyone in this school can mind read?"

Harry got between the two Slytherin's and push Asha back to the tree attempting to de-escalate the situation.
"Asha, calm down, we fought the troll ok."

Hermione was not listening to the group as they talked until she finally spoke.
"The stairs moved whilst you were on them?"
This make a stern faced Nyra to become on of confusion.

"Y-yes?" Asha said, confused as to why this was all of a sudden the point of interest.

"Asha, you come with me right now." Nyra ordered her as she began pushing Asha away from the others.

"What? Why?"

"Just go. I'll explain later" Nyra said through gritted teeth.


Once Nyra had successfully pushed Asha into there dorm, she once again shut the door behind her and started talking.
"Did you just say that the stairs moved?"

"Yes? Why does that matter?"

"There not supposed to that's why!" She then stopped to think, "Were you on the stairs when they started moving?"

"Ummm, yes... I ignored you saying to go back but the stairs moved me up to the third floor when I tried following you."

"Asha... this is why I told you to go back..."

"Nyra." Asha sat on her bed, "Why are you being so weird around me recently?"
Nyra took a breathe and looked away instead of responding.
"Like were you so angry at me for coming to look for you  and when you found me missing that you don't talk to me for almost a day but then you hear this staircase incident and you act like... Like this?"

Nyra turned back to face her, "There are things happening that you dont understand."

"Such as? You've been leaving me in the dark all day and thats the best you've got!" Asha shouted, infuriated by her friends cryptic words.

"A troll Asha! Do you think your strong enough to take on a troll yet? Do you?" Nyra said through gritted teeth. She sat down next to Asha.

"You, Ron and Harry went."

"Yes, because it was their fault that Hermione was in danger."

Asha leaned closer and forced eye contact. "So that's where you went! That horrible toilet where Hermione was crying! Hermione's MY friend, not theirs! Let me help my few friends I have. Anyway, why did you do with them then?"

This was the first time in an argument between them that Asha had taken the upper hand and it was clear that Nyra wasn't ready for this sudden antagonism. She leant back and whispered through her breathe, "I just dont want either you or Harry hurt... Your the only reason I stay a..." She trailed off as she realised what she was about to say.

"The only reason you stay - what?" Asha asked confused.

"Uhh... Nevermind that. We're going off topic, What happened at that staircase?"

"Nyra, I already told you everything that happened."

"Are you certain that the stairs moved whilst you were on them?"

"Yes - why would I lie about that? Why does that matter?"

"The stairs are enchanted to not move whilst someone's on them." Nyra explained briefly as checked the time using a muggle watch which caught Asha's eye. "We're going to miss class, c'mon." She then pulled Asha up and walked out of the room.

Asha watched Nyra walk out of the room, with a million more questions than answers after the talk.

The ABUSED twin... - Asha Potter - Harry Potter OCOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora