Chapter 10 - Vanished

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I settled into my sofa as the end of Jenna Bass' first podcast episode filled my apartment.

"How many more women will disappear before people take this seriously? How many more daughters, sisters, friends, aunts, and mothers need to leave this earth prematurely before it's more than a headline? I am sick of walking downtown with fear tingling down my spine, sick of tensing when a friend on a date doesn't text back immediately, and sick of men devaluing our lives again and again."

Was this Dustin's killer? It seemed unlikely she would have murdered these women given her interest in fighting for justice for them, although bingeing crime dramas taught me criminals like to insert themselves in the investigations. Her podcast had only covered disappearances this summer. If they were all connected, that could be a clue. Plus, Joseph had met and worked with her in the past, making Dustin's observation during their date possible. He had confirmed Joseph's identity.

If she had a shady conscience, she could have targeted Dustin to prove a point about the difference in how much media coverage male and female victims received. Although, her lack of recent posts was odd. Not a word on Bear Claw Lake or Dustin's disappearance, though his fate didn't match her victim type.

My head spun with questions, only interrupted by my phone ringing. Josh's name popped up on the screen.

I smiled as I answered it. "Hey you, what's up?"

"Not much. I was hoping to catch you. You're not busy, are you?" His tone almost had a nervous edge to it.

I chuckled. "Me, busy? Not unless you count investigating as part of my riveting social life."

"Can I ask you a favour?"

"Of course. What do you need?" It would be a welcome distraction from this mess of theories.

Josh held a few beats of silence. "A couch to crash on. I'm in the city."

I sat up straighter. "Really? What happened?" Unannounced trips didn't fit Josh's style, so something had to be up. "Is your family okay?"

"It's nothing like that. Just a supply run for the community center. It's for a day or two, tops."

That was a relief that his family was fine. While it thrilled me to see him, my place wasn't an ideal crash pad. It didn't even have an extra bed, and my sofa was 50% couch and 50% storage.

"Are you sure you want to sleep on a couch? My parents would gladly offer you a bed."

"Is that your polite way of saying no?" he teased.

"Not at all. My thoughts are spiralling in a hundred new directions every minute, and I assumed you'd prefer sane company and an actual place to sleep." I was so investigation-focused that it wouldn't be pleasant for Josh.

He laughed. "You're plenty sane, Mia, and I'm used to your wandering mind."

"If the couch and my threadbare sanity aren't concerns, you're more than welcome. I'll text you my address."

"I'll see you soon." Even through the phone, I sensed Josh's smile, and it calmed my nerves enough to stash away months' worth of clutter in my closet.

Thirty minutes later, Josh enveloped me in a hug on my apartment landing. I inhaled his comforting mix of pine trees and campfire smoke. It was odd to see him in the city with a small travel bag.

"How was the drive?" I asked.

He smiled. "Quiet and uneventful, the best kind."

"Do you do these runs often?"

"No, but my supervisor was busy, and I was a little worried about you, so..." Josh bit his lip and tentatively met my gaze. "Sorry if that's overstepping."

Vanished (ONC 2023)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя