Chapter 6 - Heart of Soul

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When Friday arrived, I was punctual for my regular bus, even allotting time to walk the long route around the park. The law of the universe this week was the more I wanted answers, the longer I waited. Yesterday's bus hadn't been Dustin's, but I crossed my fingers he'd be here today. I wouldn't survive an entire weekend on pins and needles.

The number 595 gleamed in the white paint on the front and side of the bus, sending my heart into an ascending tempo.

I stepped onto the warm vehicle, greeting the friendly driver as my eyes had a mind of their own. Dustin sat at the back, gaze fixed on me with an excited grin. I hardly waited for my monthly pass to beep before waltzing in his direction. While Josh's advice to be careful rang in my ear, Dustin and I had limited time together, as I needed to be at work to build the new campaign to save my job and couldn't afford a detour. I kept my earbuds in as I usually did, so I didn't appear to be talking to myself, even pretending to place a call on my phone as I walked up.

"I should play it cool and not tell you how thrilled I am to see you, but what's the worst it'll do, kill me?" he joked dryly.

As my eyes darted to his cheeky grin, I chuckled. "Someone's in a good mood."

"I was stuck in the maintenance yard all morning yesterday, and you are the only real interaction I've had in a month."

"Awesome by default, got it," I teased.

His smile vanished. "Sorry, that's not what I meant. Even if I were alive and had my pick of conversation partners, I'd be lucky to have you. You're funny, and interesting, and pretty." He averted his gaze and clasped his hands together over his knees. "I am no better at this now than I was alive."

I chuckled. "It's all good. Thank you for the compliments. At least in this state, the fact you'll never turn into a creepy stalker works for you."

He stiffened. "Has that happened to you?"

"Someone followed me once or twice, but not the whole targeting me stalking experience."

"That's a relief. The last part, I mean."

"I never got to ask, why are you unable to move? Did something happen here?" I had to consider my words with so many other passengers crowding the area.

His lips pressed into a line as flat as the prairies. "Not on the bus, no. But we pass the spot where it happened."

"On this route?"

He nodded.

"Can I ask where?"

He played with the sleeves of his jacket, staring at his fingers, while his monotone voice said, "The river."

"A drowning? Like all the others?" I had a thousand other questions, but his grim expression reminded me he was a person, not a search engine.

"No originality in life or death."

"I'm so sorry."

"You don't need to apologize," he said sincerely.

"How did it happen?"

Dustin kicked his heels together and continued to avoid my gaze. "My memory's patchy, and it's embarrassing, and..." He sighed and let out the whisper of a curse under his breath.

Way to go, Mia. Where's your respect for the deceased?

"You don't have to say anything. I'm overstepping because I have no idea how someone like you and I should interact."

He ground his toe onto the floor, which was stained with melting snow, sand and small pebbles tracked in from passengers' boots. As the bus departed the stop before the river, the surrounding air cooled. Was this where a monster had stolen his life? He glanced at his watch then at the windows opposite us. The pain in his eyes told me it was. Buildings rising from the horizon spit plumes of exhaust into the icy air.

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