"You do. She used to work for you." Parker begins to act angry, putting her hand over her mouth. "No, no, no. It's not the scuba thief, is it?" Sarah tilts her head to the side, glancing Parker up and down quickly. 

"She is not what you think." Parker pretends to sound frustrated, running one hand through her hair. "Goodness gracious, she's working some good psyops on you, Val," She then pauses for a second before slyly saying, "She's a smooth operator." 

Sarah giggles, shaking her head through her laughter. "No, she's not." Parker gasps in fake indignation, and pretends to hang up the phone, making Sarah giggle more. She then leans her head back on the board, smiling at the taller girl.

"She's really clumsy. She makes way to many movie references. And she has absolutely no idea when to make a move," Parker blushes at that and looks away, making John B chuckle from where he is watching the future couple. "But I think I might be able to turn this one, sir."

The two girls begin heading towards the building, and Parker slyly looks at Sarah as she walks backwards. "You'd better be careful, Valerie. Once a Pogue, always a Pogue." John B follows behind them as they enter the large building, going to the left and walking up some stairs.

As they walk up the stairs, Sarah turns to John B and says, "All right, Vlad, it's time to play the truth game." John B sighs, asking, "Again?" But Sarah ignores his frustration.

"Why the hell are we here?" Parker wants to answer her honestly, but John B gives her a look that makes her stop herself. He then turns to the shorter girl and sighs, "Look, Sarah, I already told you. I can't tell you." 

As they continue walking along, Sarah tries to bargain with, "Okay, well, intel on the mission is the price of the ticket, and I'm the only way you're getting in. It's your choice. I have to know." John B sighs before finally relenting.

"Okay. On pain of death?" Sarah makes an agreeing noise before Parker says, "We're on a treasure hunt." Sarah pauses for a moment before letting out a laugh. She glances at Parker and John B's faces, but when she sees the looks in their eyes, she immediately stops. 

She frowns and says, "Oh, shit, you're serious." John B looks around to make sure no one is listening before explaining further. "Look, I have reason to believe that Denmark Tanny was the sole survivor of the Royal Merchant wreck." 

Sarah still looks like she doesn't believe him, so he tries to convince her even further. "Look, I-- I know this sounds crazy, okay, but I'm pretty sure he got away with 500 million in gold, which is how he would have been able to buy Tannyhill. And I think the location of that treasure is in his papers. That's why we're here." 

Sarah seems to think about it for a second before saying, "You said 500 million?" Parker snorts, asking, "That's the part you picked up?" When she gets a look from Sarah, she shrugs her shoulders, muttering, "Sorry, sorry. But yeah. That's a lot of Bubble Wrap." Sarah sways slightly before turning towards the desk.

"I'll talk to the librarian." As she walks away, John B mumbles, "That's a fantastic idea." The two Pogues watch as she chats with the librarian, and John B says to Parker, "You guys are flirting up a storm. It's both gross and adorable." Parker shoves the brunette boy, but then she catches sight of Sarah waving them over while following to librarian.

As they are led into a separate room, the librarian says, "I can't tell you how grateful we are to receive the Tanny materials from your father." Sarah nods, graciously saying, "Of course." The woman points towards an upper balcony. "It's right up there." Sarah begins to climb the steps, vocalizing her thanks as the librarian leaves the room.

Parker follows after her after smiling at the librarian, but John B actually stops and shakes her hand while thanking her. The three of them settle around a table, and they each have a box in front of them. Sarah sighs, pulling it closer to her. "All right." 

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