Black Hole Sun

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(Damon stomps over to Kai, snatches the pocket knife from Bonnie and lifts Kai up to put the knife against his neck.)

Damon: Or I could just torture you until you say something useful.

The Mikaelsons growled, while the Parkers gained a hopeful look hoping that Kai will get the punishment that he deserves.

Kai: (confused, speaks slowly) If you torture me, I'll get mad, and then I won't want to help you. (he looks toward Bonnie)... What kind of person needs to have that explained to them?

The Mikaelsons nodded, that was just common sense, something which Damon was clearly lacking.

(Bonnie reaches over and takes the knife out of Damon's hand. Damon roughly lets Kai go. Kai laughs.)

Bonnie: Play nice.

Damon: Stop trying to impress the new guy.

Kai looked disgusted at the idea that the Bennett witch even liked him.

Bonnie: Why don't you just tell him your story?

Damon: Maybe because I don't want to talk about the worst thing I ever did, Bonnie.

"Well, now I'm bloody interested," Rebekah commented.

(Kai, who had opened the jam, smiles.)

Kai: Ooooh, now I'm listening. (He scoops out some jam from the jar with his hand and eats it)

The Mikaelson children laughed at their brother's behavior, while Esther reprimanded him for his manners.


The Mikaelsons tried to stay quiet the entire time to make sure to get every detail of the story, so that they could use it as leverage over the oldest Salvatore.

(Damon has just rang the doorbell and has his back is to the Salvatore house. The doors open and he turns to see Stefan inside. Damon holds up the same newspaper Bonnie has been reading for the last four months)

Damon: Ready for some bad news?

(The newspaper's front page has an article about Kurt Cobain's suicide. Stefan leans against the door as Damon chuckles and moves forward to get in the house, only to be stopped by an invisible barrier in the threshold)

Damon: Barely seen you in fifty years, Stefan. You could invite a brother in.

Stefan: Give me one good reason why.

Damon: Check your answering machine, I'm trying to turn over a new leaf.

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