Welcome To Paradise

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"Before we start watching, there are some things that you should know," Esther started, "This will include the Mystic falls group, and as it had things to do about them, there will be parts that are not about Kai at all. Now, you should also know what had happened so far, the travelers were trying to get rid of all magic on earth but the doppelganger and her friends stopped it, they also killed all of the travelers and used their deaths as a sacrifice to access the other side before it collapsed. Damon and Bonnie got stuck on the other side when it collapsed but Bonnie's grandmother sent her and Damon to where Kai is. I think that's all you need to know for now. Let's begin."


(Damon is leaning against a cart and Bonnie is beside him, they are strolling through the aisles of a deserted store, Bonnie and Damon are fighting over the cart handle.)

Damon: I got it - (Damon said stubbornly.)

Bonnie sighs: Okay. (She picks up a small piece of paper.) We need strawberries.

Damon: Mmhmm.

Bonnie: Eggs, milk and--ooh candles. (She picks up one and sets it in the cart, Damon looks at her for a second.)

Damon: I know it's been a while, but you couldn't do magic as an anchor, so I'm curious what momentary lapse reason makes you think you can do it now?

"So, the Bennett witch can't do magic" Niklaus said getting a nod in agreement.

(They turn the corner to another aisle.)

Bonnie: You know, when all this started, you sucked at making pancakes but now they're somewhat edible. (She shrugs.) Milk.

(Damon stops the cart, opens one of the many fridges and takes out a big carton of milk, he sets that in the cart.)

Bonnie: There's no reason to be Peter Pessimist. (She heads over to a rack of glasses and sets blue shades on her face with the tag dangling.) We have proof we're not alone.

Damon: First of all. Don't nickname, that's my thing--(He points to himself and strolls over to Bonnie with the cart, he snatches another pair of glasses from her) -- And this proof---(Damon sets the blue glasses on his face, so now they both are wearing it.) --This mysteriously filled in crossword, could very easily have been you.

(Bonnie leans on the cart.): I didn't. Fill. It. In.

Damon: No. You don't know you filled it in. You also don't know that you talk in your sleep. Eggs.

(Bonnie opens the fridge beside them and grabs the eggs: What are you saying? Are you saying I sleep crossword?

(Damon takes the glasses off.): I'm saying it makes more sense than the alternative. (He snatches the eggs and slams them in the cart, Bonnie takes off her glasses.)

Bonnie: I get what you're doing.

Damon: What am I doing?

Malachai MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now