16. Son

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Youngblood/ Harry potter x HOTD crossover out now!

Joffreys wedding was large and over the top but that was to be expected on the King's wedding. Sansa sat next to Tyrion, miserably. Tyrion watched the martells chattering, they didn't look like murderous troublesome monsters set out for revenge. But the day was still early.

"Here you are." Jaime passed off a drink.

"Thank you... do you think we could- this is probably a bad time but-" tessa stumbled over her words.

"Whats wrong?" Jaime questioned.

"The things you have said to me... I judt wanted a bit of... clarification." Tessa offered innocently

The banquet music played and there was a feast the size of kings landing itself. Margaery listened to the music intently as leaned back completely bored.

'Very good very good off you go,' Joffrey said entirely bored with the presentation he threw coins at the musicians.

"Well," jaime chuckled touching her hand gently. Her eyes locked on him as tywin approached

'Jaime... please introduce me formally to your friend." Tywin requested.

"Father you know lady tessa tyrell." Jaime introduced. "Tessa this is my father lord Tywin."

"Hello lord tywin." Tessa answered.

"You are just lovely. Tyrell.... Hmm Jaime where have you been hiding this delicate little flower?" Tywin questioned. Tessa smiled sheepishly up at jaime.

"Not hiding her. Just want her all to myself." Jaime corrected. That made tessa smile grow. Tywin saw wedding bells in their future.

'My love why don't you make the announcement?' Margaery said and Joffrey clinked his glass getting everyone's attention.

"We should sit." Jaime suggested.

"I'm sure we will talk soon." Tywin assured.

"Sorry about him," jaime murmured as joffrey rose up.

"He was charming and liked me so I dont know what you are apologizing for." Tessa assured.

'Everyone ,'he declared 'the queen would like to say a few words,' the crowd clapped as Margaery rose.

'We are so fortunate to enjoy this marvelous food and drink not all of us are so lucky, to thank the gods for bringing the recent war to a just end, King Joffrey has decreed that the leftovers from our feast be given to the poorest.' Margaery told them and the crowd irrupted with cheers.

"Im glad they did that. Margaery is very involved with the poor. She wants to make the realms better. I can think of no better woman for the throne." Tessa assured.

But then the dwarves came out and all smiles faded. Except for joffreys.

'Lord Stark, Baylon Greyjoy, and the war of the five kings!' Joffrey declared excitedly.

'Away degenerates away away.' the dwarf portraying Joffrey said. The wickedest and jolliest smile adored Joffreys face, Margaery however was not pleased with this display while Joffrey cackled away.

'"Im sorry about him." Jaime offered.

"You can't control him. Hes the king and a teenage boy. Of course he is going to think he is invincible." Tessa assured.

'well fought, well fought.' Joffrey said as they took a bow. 'a champion purse.' He held out a pouch of gold for them. 'although you are not the champions yet are you?' he slapped the pouch in his hands. 'a true champion defeats all the challengers. Surely there are others out there who dare to challenge by reign... uncle. How about you? I'm sure they have a spare costume...'

"Hasnt your brother been through enough?" Tessa questioned.

"Im the only one that has ever looked out for him." Jaime remarked. "It seems the rest of the world is against him." Tessa reached out grabbing his golden hand.

"I meant to grab your hand." She realized after a moment. Jaime reached out giving her hand a squeeze

'one taste of combat was enough for my your grace.' Tyrion said ever so kindly. 'I would like to keep what remains of my face. I think you should fight him. This was but a poor imitation of your own bravery in the field of battle. I speak as a firsthand witness. Climb down from the high table with your new valerian sword and show everyone who a true king wins his throne... be careful though, this one is clearly mad with lust.'

Tessas gaze shifted back to the front table as joffrey poured his wine on tyrions head.

"He really has no manors no etiquette. Maybe margaery will be able to train your nephew." Tessa murmured.

'a fine vintage.' Tyrion said calmly. 'shame that it spilled.'

'That was ill done your grace.'

Tessa stared at Tyrion as he tried to keep his composure. Margaery stared at her new husband willing him to stop as Joffrey spilled his wine over Tyrion's head her face held bitter resentment towards her new husband and King while everyone remained entirely deadly silent.

'it did not spill.' Joffrey told him.

'My love, come back to me.' margaery told him reaching a hand out. 'its time for my fathers toast.'

'well how does he expect me to toast without wine?' Joffrey questioned moving back to her. 'uncle... you can be my cup bearer seeing as you're too cowardly to fight.' Tyrion glanced back to Joffrey.

'your grace does me a great honor.' Tyrion said as he got up.

'it was not meant as an honor.' Joffrey muttered. Tyrion walked around the table and reached out for joffreys cup but Joffrey dropped it to the ground kicking it away. Tessa didnt have words. No one did.

'bring me my goblet.' Joffrey demanded. Tyrion searched for it but it was sansa who found it bringing it to Tyrion. Tyrion brought it back over to joffrey, everyone else at the wedding was silent. Completely silent. The only sound was the waves in the distance and the birds in the trees. Tessa looked to jaime and his face held embarrassment but not only that a deep shame at joffreys actions.

'what good is an empty cup? Fill it.' Joffrey told him. Tyrin filled it, handing it back to him. 'kneel. Kneel before your king, kneel...i said... kneel!' Joffrey yelled.

'Look at the pie!' Margaery said lightly as she stepped forward as a huge pie was brought in Joffrey took the goblet from Tyrion passing it off to Margaery he took his valyrian steel sword smashing it down on the cake doves flew from the top.

"This was supposed to be margaerys perfect day and he is acting like such a child." Tessa whispered. "Do you think joffrey a good king?"

"No." Jaime answered without hesitation "but we cant change the lineage."

'Wonderful, wonderful.' Margaery said clapping happily. Cake was served dead bird lay within.

'My hero,' Margaery went on as she fed Joffrey a piece of cake another piece ready to be fed he hesitated gritting his teeth before turning back to the table.

"Have you ever thought of getting married?" Tessa pondered. "We keep getting interrupted. Jaime smiled that charming smile back at her.

"I hadnt. Until i met you." He answered honestly and what happened next was but a blur to tessa as she focused on jaime and begged his words to be truthful.

'hes choking!' Margaery cried out as he grasped at his throat and stumbled off the high table. Jaime rushed forward but there was nothing he could do. Ever the gallant. Margaery thought as jaime tried to save that awful king.

'Help the poor boy help your king!' Olena declared as Jamie ran forward Joffrey was spewing a blood.

'Joffrey! Out of the way!' Jaime came running, everyone watched as Joffrey fell to the ground. Coughing up blood, Jaime rushing to his side. Tessas gaze followed jaime and she saw the pain felt the pain. It was the kind of love that was reserved for a son.

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