10. One Handed Man

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Jaime felt more like himself in his white cloaks and armor. He liked that he was still able to make someone smile. He liked Tessa's smile but pining after Cersei for so long, his heart was stuck on her.

Tessa was an excellent distraction though.

Jaime hated to admit that he hoped that if Cersei saw him with Tessa she would come running back and remember that she loved Jaime and he was the love her of life.

But Jaime did like Tessa. She was sweet and kind, Cersei always wore a lavender perfume while Tessa smelled of sweet Vanilla. Cersei scowled and Tessa always had a soft smile on her face.

They were quite the opposite and Jaime didnt know why he looked for Tessa throughout the day when he swore his heart wanted Cersei.

But then Tessas smile would widen when she saw him and he found himself so easily smiling back at her.

"Lady Tessa, lady Sansa, brother." Jaime remarked coming up to them in the gardens.

"Hello ser Jaime." Tessa answered happily. Tyriom saw the look. He wanted that. He wanted that look of awe and amazement. That look of fresh love. He hadnt ever seen Jaime look at anyone like that besides cersei but that was many, many years ago.

"Could I join you?" Jaime offered and Tessa nodded immediately. Sansa leaned into Tessa trying to get away from Tyrion just a bit more.

"Hows married life Tyrion?" Jaime offered. He still found himself reaching with his right hand. The hand that was not there. Tessa always seemed to notice when he was around how he faltered and it made him feel less than not being a man with two hands to better tend to anything and anyone.

"We are getting along great." Tyrion mused. Tessa poured Jaime some wine wordlessly and slid the glass in front of him on his left side he nodded his appreciation.

"Sansa is such a bright young lady." Tessa remarked "and Im sure you know how smart your brother is." Jaime chuckled.

Sansa did not like Jaime. She did not like Tyrion. She stayed put because of Tessa. Jaime had stabbed her father before fleeing like a coward.

"Its a lovely dress lady Tessa." Jaime remarked. High garden dresses were ones to be admired Jaime thought looking over the thin material, deep cuts along the legs and down the chest.

"Sansa does excellent stitching." Tessa remarked. "She added the flowers along the seams here." Tessas fingers went to the long slit going up high on her thigh as she touched the flower embroidery.

"Lovely." Jaime agreed but he wasnt looking at the flowers but tanned and toned legs under the dress. His eyes moved up to meet hers and Tessa could have died happy right there looking into his eyes.

There was so much she wanted to say but sudden looking at him this close her tongue went numb and all she could do was smile back at him.


"Magnificent." Jaime remarked looking over the sword

"Mm-hmm." Tywin agreed

"Looks fresh-forged." Jaime remarked

"It is." Tywin agreed again.

"No one's made a Valyrian steel sword since the Doom of Valyria." Jaime countered

"There are three living smiths who know how to rework Valyrian steel. The finest of them was in Volantis. Came here to King's Landing at my invitation." Tywin remarked nonchalantly.

"Where did you get this much Valyrian steel?" Jaime questioned.

"From someone who no longer had need of it." Tywin remarked smugly.

"You've wanted one of these in the family for a long time."

"And now we have two." Tywin agreed

"Two?" Jaime countered.

"The original weapon was absurdly large. Plenty of steel for two swords." Tywin remarked.

"Well, thank you. It's glorious." Jaime declared.

"You'll have to train your left hand." Tywin reminded him, his gaze shifting to the numb at Jaime's right. Tywin had never been more annoyed. He got his son back but Jaime wasnt Jaime anymore.

"Any decent swordsman knows how to use both hands." Jaime countered

"You'll never be as good." Tywin retorted, Jaime stared back at him.

"No. But as long as I'm better than everyone else, I suppose it doesn't matter." Jaime agreed

"You can't serve in the Kingsguard with one hand."

"Where's that written?" Jaime mused, Tywin stared back at him annoyed. "I can and I will. The Kingsguard oath is for life."

"The war is over. The king is safe." Tywin countered, staring back at Jaime from behind his desk.

"The king is never safe. How many people in this city alone would love to see his head on a pike?"

"Other knights protected the king while you were a prisoner. They will continue to do so when you go home." Tywin offered


"You'll return to Casterly Rock and rule in my stead. You are the Lord of Casterly Rock. I am the King's Hand. My place is here." Tywin reminded him, who knew that Jaime's deformity would bring such a positive outcome the more he thought about it "I don't expect to see the Rock again before I die... I heard you have been soending quite a bit of time with the lady Tessa tyrell. Im sure I coudl arrange-"

"Father." Jaime countered. Yes he liked Tessa but he was still hoping cersei and him would see eye to eye. Being in love with someone for forever and then just being cut off was heartbreaking no matter how much he did like Tessa.

"She is a lovely woman. Kind and compassionate. Her first husband died she is in need of another." Tywin remarked.

"You know what they call me?" Jaime remarked.


"Oathbreaker." Jaime corrected "Man without honor. Now you want me to break another sacred vow."

"You won't be breaking anything. There is a precedent to relieve a Kingsguard of his duties. The king will exercise that prerogative." Tywin assured



"No." Jaime agreed.

"I don't believe I asked you a question." Tywin countered.

"There's my answer." Jaime retorted defensively.

"If you think your bloody honor comes before--"

"My bloody honor is beyond repair, but my answer is still no." Jaime spat back. "I don't want Casterly Rock. I don't want a wife. I don't want children."

"What do you want?" Tywin countered thoroughly annoyed.

"Supper would be nice." Jaime mused.

"For 40 years I've tried to teach you. If you haven't learned by now, you never will. Go. If serving as a glorified bodyguard is the sum of your ambition, go serve." Tywin seethed.

"I suppose you want the sword back." Jaime remarked softly.

"Keep it. A one-handed man with no family needs all the help he can get."

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