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Naruko hated herself for it, but there was no denying that she felt relieved. She felt relieved when Sasuke left Sakura. It seemed he still wasn't interested in their pink haired teammate.

"I still say you should claim him before this becomes a problem. He might not want her, but there is always the possibility that another female will catch his eye." Kurama warns her.

The blonde tries to imagine it. She honestly didn't know what kind of woman Sasuke would actually like. He seemed to dislike everyone almost equally.

He'd shown romantic interest in exactly zero people to her knowledge. She couldn't see that changing anytime soon, but he did want to restore his Clan. So sooner or later, he kinda had to choose SOMEONE.

"Then he won't have any time for me." She mutters.

He'd spend it with his wife and kids. Sasuke was practically obsessed with restoring his Clan. She doubted he'd let them out of his sight for even a minute. (Even if it was still impossible to picture him rocking a baby, she knew that he was going to do it at some point.)

After all, he had said so when he was fucking twelve that he was going to restore his Clan. Sasuke was nothing if not, determined to reach his goals. He always achieved them.

Although sometimes, things didn't work out the way he planned. She sighs sadly, as she remembers learning the truth about Itachi. It wasn't fair what had happened to either of them.

"You know, for a ninja…you aren't very sneaky." Sasuke says, standing behind her with a kunai to her throat.

Naruko blinks. Somehow without realizing it, she had followed him. Sasuke must have noticed though. Great, just great. Now how was she going to explain this.

"Yeah. Well there's not much point in sneaking up behind a friend, right? You aren't an enemy ninja." She replies with a smile.

"True. But next time, it might not be me who notices. It might be an enemy ninja and they might not have an issue with slitting your pretty little throat." Sasuke warns her.

Naruko blinks. Had Sasuke just called her pretty?! Well more specifically, he had called her throat pretty. But that still counted, didn't it?

"You think my throat is pretty?" She asks.

"Naruko, your throat's appearance is not the point. The point is you could have been killed, if it wasn't me. Someone might have taken advantage of your guard being down. It doesn't matter how powerful you are, if you aren't aware of your surroundings…bad things can happen." Sasuke tries again to warn her.

He sighs and lowers the kunai. She never took anything seriously, other than dragging him back or beating "bad guys." She really had to work on that.

He thought her becoming Hokage might have changed that, but Naruko was still Naruko. At the end of the day, she apparently thought the world was all sunshine, rainbows, and likely unicorns were also somewhere in the equation.

"Yeah. Yeah. I know. A ninja must always expect the unexpected. I'd ask you to lunch, but you already ate." She mutters.

"You were spying on me and Sakura?" Sasuke asks in disbelief.

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