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Naruko smiles. She never figured him for a cuddler. But Sasuke Uchiha was apparently a cuddler. A really devoted one. She sighs in pleasure and snuggles into her sleeping lover's arms.

This was nice. She felt cherished and safe. Sasuke was also very warm. Sometimes she wondered if it was because he was from a Fire Clan or maybe he had just elevated his body temperature slightly from harnessing lighting so much in battle. Either way, she didn't care. She'd never need an electronic blanket again.

"I wonder what he'd say, if I was." She whispers to herself.

He had always wanted to restore his Clan. Sasuke would probably be happy, right? It wouldn't make sense for him not to be. Logically, she knew this. But tell that to the massive metaphorical colony of butterflies that had decided to take up residence in her stomach.

"You are worried over nothing. The Uchiha is not ignorant. He is well aware of how babies are conceived. If he truly did not want to sire any, he would have asked you to use the Jutsu or taken some other precautions. Stop being foolish." Kurama tells her.

"Yeah, but we got really caught up in the moment. Who knew that Sasuke would pounce just because he saw me topless?" She asks.

She vaguely wonders if the sight of any shirtless woman would have triggered a similar result. The blonde fucking hoped not. The thought of him touching anyone else, the way he had her, made her blood boil.

"Mine." He mumbles in his sleep and pulls her closer.

Naruko smiles. She was being ridiculous. As far as she could tell, Sasuke hadn't even looked at another woman. There was no need to get jealous.

The blue eyed woman places her hand on her stomach. It was far too soon to tell. Even a chakra test wouldn't be able to detect any changes for at least a few days. Still there was a chance, however slight that she might be carrying his baby. THEIR baby, she mentally corrects herself.

"I wonder if it would matter to him, if it was a boy or a girl." She muses.

"I doubt it. The Uchiha wants to restore his Clan. He probably wants many children. I'm certain by the laws of probability, he realizes that sooner or later, he's likely to get sons and daughters." Kurama reasons.

"Geez, wait to take all of the fun out of it!" She huffs.

She tries to imagine what Sasuke would be like with a kid. Picturing him with something as fragile as a baby, just wasn't working. Academy age was easier. Maybe he'd carry their child on his back, like Itachi had done for him?

Naruko did remember the elder Uchiha brother doing that a lot. Sasuke had seemed to enjoy it. Maybe he'd do the same. That would be so cute!

"Well I see your urge to den is intact." The Nine Tails observes.

"Shut up!" She grumbles, not wanting him to ruin her little fantasy.

It was too late though. Just like that, the thread was lost. She sighs and goes back to snuggling into his arms. It had been fun while it lasted.

An hour or so later, Sasuke wakes up. He smiles. That was a nice sight to wake up to. A hot naked blonde curled up against him like his own personal sex kitten.

He smiles and kisses her forehead. Sasuke looks at the clock. Yeah, he was probably going to have to wake her soon. The last Uchiha was surprised that Gaara hadn't already come looking for them. It was already half past ten in the morning.

"Naruko." He says gently.

He shakes his head. She was sound asleep. Naruko unlike most ninjas, could sleep like a rock. Sometimes he really envied her ability to do so. He gently nudges his lover.

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