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"𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬"

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"𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬"

The two had a 'Scream' marathon watching all the movies with a giant bucket of freshly-made popcorn. Just as the last movie was about to finish Rin felt a weight on his shoulder.

A light sigh left his lips as he looked at the sleeping girl. Her long, brown hair covered her face as he gently pushed it away.

After a few minutes he patted her shoulder wanting to sleep too. Mira jumped awake and apologized. "Sorry, I just dozed off, I'll leave now."

She said and was about to climb off the bed when the boy grabbed her wrist. Her eyes widen as Rin pulled her back on the bed. "Just sleep here." He casually said and signaled her to lay down.

The brunette was too tired to protest. She layed down beside him as they shared a blanket. "Good Night, Rin." She said unexpectedly making him roll his eyes.

"Go to sleep, moron."

He said before going to dreamland.

The next morning Mira woke up from a strange sound downstairs. She opened one of her eyes to reach out for her phone on the nightstand, but something was blocking her way.

Or rather someone.

She mentally screamed as her eyes landed on the dark haired boy laying beside her. His arms were tightly wrapped around her waist as his head was burried in her pillows.

'How did I not notice him before ಠ_ಠ!?!!?!'

She thought and layed back down for a second. His breathing was slow and soft and she wanted to stare at him forever.

Unfortunately her eyes widen when she realized what day it was. Mira quickly started shaking Rin awake. The boy groaned in annoyance as she frantically jumped off the bed.

"What the hell are you doing?"

He asked with a raspy, morning voice. "I forgot I have to babysit my cousins today. Rin, you better not go back to sleep." She warned and pulled the blanket away from him.

The emo boy groaned again and got up to change.

"Alright so here's the plan. I'll distract them you take your things and run out the front door." She explained while brushing her teeth.

He just looked at her with a dumbfounded expression. His mind was too tired to focus on her words and the fact that she was speaking fast didn't help the matter either.

"That plan must've taken ages to come up with." He said sarcastically and earned a glare.

"Look who's talking, Mr. 'I'm a stubborn asshole, I'll come into your house and act like it's my own?' I also had the idea of you jumped out from the window, but in the end it's your choice. Just make sure they don't see you."

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