He murmured with the right side of his face touching hers with his head inclined towards her while her head rested back against the left side of his chest as she stood imprisoned in his devilish grip as his grip turned dominating around her as if he wanted to crush her into him to make them one.

Her insides twisted and turned at his softly said words that created havoc in her senses. Made her want to do things that were forbidden for her; like turning around and throwing her arms around him to cry in his embrace which she resisted with great difficulty.

Her eyes prickled as she felt like he was deliberately poking her raw throbbing wounds to get his desired reaction out of her.

But she has had developed an insane amount of restraint over the years that helped her in this moment to keep herself in check despite his constant murmuring of soothing words in her ears with his lips touching her hairs as he took a sharp intake of breaths with his nose rubbing the side of her head making a crack in her resolve.

"Oh Khush. I missed you so much." He whispered in her ear from behind before kissing her ear. A gasp left her as he took her earlobe in his mouth and sucked lightly.

"No..." She protested as it was becoming too much for her. He released her lobe and proceeded to lick the slope of her neck taking his own sweet time.

"You smell so good sweetheart. Like peace. My peace." He palmed the side of her face to tilt her head up and meshed his lips to her cheek sensually making her curl her toes. He didn't even give her a chance to protest.

She is his peace? What about her peace that he has snatched from her? Why doesn't he ever think about that? Why doesn't he give her any reprieve while he steal as well as demand peace from her and even snatch it depriving her of the same?

Even if he felt her sullen state he royally ignored it. His kisses became urgent and demanding on one side of her face close to his whilst his hand slid from her face to palm her throat cupping it lightly to rub his fingers there sensually.

"Don't." She wiggled feeling heaviness building on her chest.

"I still can't believe I'm back and embracing you in my arms and can touch you sweetheart. I thought I won't be able to do this ever again when I..." He paused and so did she as her eyes misted up.

He trailed both of of his buff arms up to wrap them on her upper body around her shoulders and sighed out loud as she felt him rubbing the tip of his nose on her temple chanting, "I missed you," over and over again testing her sanity.

It almost cracked her composure as her heart clenched so hard in her chest that she fisted her hands at her sides and closed her eyes to pray for restrain lest she blurt out her forbidden thoughts and emotions and give the devil power over herself. If that happened he would not stop to even suck her soul out wholly for his own amusement.

"Don't you have anything to say? Or maybe ask me how I have been? What I have been through? How did I come back from the testing ordeal safe and sound? Aren't you happy? Or are you disappointed?"

He poked her deliberately and his continuous assault on her already weak and vulnerable senses made her almost fall down into puddles. If he wasn't holding her trapped in his crushing embrace she might have had fallen on her knees by now.

She didn't even realize that the man gripping her in his caging hold has successfully distracted her mind off all other thoughts except for him. The cruel thief that he was he stole her attention from her son to himself without much of an effort.

He succeeded as everything flashed in front of her eyes like a panorama of all the restless days and nights she spent in his absence to the morning two days ago when she got the news of his defeat and death that cut off all her composure of years.

The King's WomanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant