[v] Two Chivalrous Stances

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I stared at everyone in front of me, wondering where I came in - or more like what I walked into.

They all had their eyes on me, a few saddened to see me but still glad that I was in front of them. I contemplated to bolt away, skip all the responsibilities that these people somehow placed on me.

Tobath's hand was still in mine and I felt him squeeze it. "He needs you." He told me, looking down at me with lost eyes.

I gulped down my throat, the massive lump that appeared there not budging. I didn't know what caused all my emotions to set off on a whirlwind but I was sure the sorrow that coated this room had a play.

Tobath took a step further into the room, guiding me towards the bed. I knew he was dragging my full weight because the use of my legs had come to a halt.

He came to a stop at the foot of the bed, the back of his head covering the boy on the bed. I heard everyone around us take a step back, until eventually they were all out the room. Even the girl in the wheelchair who seemed reluctant to move at all, was wheeled away by a boy.

The door shut behind us.

"Bro, she's here." Tobath said in a small, soft voice. If I wasn't so focus on him I wouldn't have heard the crack in his voice.

The voice that replied sounded empty and I could tell whoever it belonged to was holding on the edge with the tip of his fingers. "I told you-"

"I don't always listen." Tobath cut him off. And then he slowly pulled me to his side.

A sharp intake of breath filled the silence and it took a long time to realise it came from me. My eyes were locked on the skinny boy in front of me, his whole posture looking past concerning and close to dangerous. His head was placed on the pillow at an odd angle and I saw the tube that traveled from down his nose to under his covers. He was pale - too pale.

A hand covered my mouth and I could feel the prickles in my eyes and my vision turned blurry. But I tried, hell it took everything inside me but I tried to contain my tears.

"Hi," I whispered.

"Hi." He said back.

He wasn't a stranger. Regardless of the fact that I didn't know him I felt closer to him than anyone else. He was more than a friend.

Tobath's hand left mine but his warmth was still close to me. But then a few seconds later, he was completely gone, leaving us completely alone.

I walked towards his side and sat on the empty spot on his bed. He trailed my every move, his mouth slightly ajar. I realised it was helping him breathe.

I reached for his hand slowly. They were cold.

"Hi." I said again.

He smiled up at me. "Hi."

"So it's you." I said softly.

His eyes averted away from mine for a second, looking slightly embarrassed. "Yeah." He admitted, breathing out a soft chuckle. "I hope I didn't scare you."

"You did. A few times actually. But I think Tobath scared me more with his dress code and his imitation of the Green Arrow."

He laughed at the last part. It didn't sound much like a normal laugh but it was a beautiful laugh itself. His fingers twitched under mine and I gave him a soft squeeze.

My eyes traveled above his head and saw his notepad, a few pens and a few pencils. "Did you write from here?" I asked him, my eyes still on the notepad. It was the same paper from all the letters. On the inside cover I saw his name in the same handwriting.


"You really know me, Stance." I looked back down to him.

His eyes widened at his name and a grin spread across my face. "It's on your notepad."

"What's it with you guys hiding your names from me?"

Stance did something that resembled a shrug. "We didn't think it was important."

It sure as hell was important to me but I didn't say it out loud. "You were at school the other day, when Marcus was telling me about you."

I wanted him to confirm it. Which he did with a small nod. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I wasn't allowed to be out of the hospital for a long time and every time I was out, I only had a few minutes before I had to get back."

"Where else did you go?" I asked him.

"I went to Marcus' house with Tobath." I knew about that.

"And I also saved Reed from killing herself."

My mouth dropped open. "How?"

Stance flinched after he moved a bit and it scared me so much that I was close to calling a nurse. He got back to his normal self before I had the chance to move.

"Pulled her out the river. This was before I started losing my energy."

It then dawned on me. It was the girl. In the wheelchair. He saved her from herself.

He even saved me in a sense.

And now he was the one that needed saving.

a/n: ride or die.
shall I post another chapter in a few hours?
xox fingers crossed

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