[p] Two Anonymous Boys

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I took in a sharp breath.

This was it.


He grabbed the front of his hood and just as he was about to pull it down a voice yelled for my name. "Sophia!"

I took a step back and looked back at the road we came from. Marcus was running towards me, his face scrunched up in anger.

I quickly looked at the boy and saw that he had dropped his hand and was facing away from me.

"Marcus?" I breathed out, surprised to see that he had followed us. "What are you doing here?" I asked once he was close enough.

"I followed you." He pointed out the obvious, panting for air.

I took another step back, my forehead creasing into a frown."Why?" I asked, hoping that he was not going to be the crazy ex who would stalk me and watch my every move. He didn't take the break up well but I felt good afterwards. No more lying, no more pretending. I could reconnect with the person I used to be. If he was here to-

He glanced to his side, looking at the stranger next to him with distaste. "Because you were follow him," he motioned with his head towards the boy standing next to him, who still had his identity pretty much hidden.

"So?" I blinked at him, my voice coming out snappier than I expected.

Marcus walked towards me, his hands expanded out. He looked ready to grab me and drag me away from this place. I snatched my hand away from him, not prepared for it.

Marcus looked at down at my hand, a look of hurt washing through his face.

"You should go." I said after a while.

"I'm not going anywhere without you, Soph." Marcus stepped towards the guy. "Not leaving you with him." He said.

What a wrong thing to say.

Delivery boy side stepped Marcus and broke out into a run. "He's leaving!" I screamed. I turned on my heel and tried to run after him but Marcus managed to snake his hand around my waist. He dragged my back, lifting me off the floor.

I kicked out furiously. "Let me go!" I yelled at Marcus, punching and slapping his hands around me. He had me in a tight hold, not budging one bit.

I kicked out, my booted foot connecting with his leg. "Let him leave- he's dangerous." Marcus grunted in my ear, masking the pain I inflicted on him.

I turned my head to face him. "He wouldn't hurt me!" I sneered up at him.

Marcus looked over my head, ahead of us. I followed his gaze and saw that delivery boy was long gone.

Marcus put me down slowly. "Not physically no. Don't think he's capable to." He voiced.

I crossed my hands across my chest, suppressing my anger. Marcus had no right to follow me and act all hero and macho like. "Then why is he dangerous?" I questioned.

Marcus eyed me in disbelief. "He's crazy," he exclaimed, sounding as though it wasn't something new between us.

"He's not, Marcus!" I shot back.

Marcus threw his hands in the air, a sign that he was on the edge of flipping off. "He's the friend of that crazy bastard so of course he's crazy!" He yelled so loudly, his voice hard and very clear to my ears.

"What crazy bastard?" I screamed back, feeling sick of his wild accusations.

"The one that has been writing those letters to you!"

3) no one still has guessed his name. Starts with a T guys!!

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