[u] Two Numerous Relations

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I kept mouthing his name to myself, rolling it around my tongue. It was different, very unique and it suited him well. I was itching to ask him what its origin was and its meaning behind it but decided against it because he was obviously not paying me any attention.

And it didn't feel like the right time to strike up a conversation when he was zigzagging through hallways after hallways, taking countless of corners and turns. I almost thought he was deliberately taking this way so I wouldn't know where we were going.

We finally came across Ward 36 and we got buzzed in. A middle aged man, who I presumed was a nurse, greeted Tobath with warm eyes. "How you doing, buddy?"

Tobath let out a tired sigh, running a hand through his hair and over his face. He still had hold of me with his other hand.

"I'm managing. How's it going with him? Is it-?"

The man shook his head at Tobath, a sorrow-filled expression overcoming his face. "You can never be prepared for it," he voiced, telling Tobath something I couldn't decipher. What were they talking about?

I awkwardly stood next to Tobath, not overly comfortable with where I was. Before I had powered up my courage to ask the right questions, Tobath tugged on my hand and lead us towards a room. He came to an abrupt stop, leaving his hand on the door knob.

Tobath turned to me slowly. "You okay?"

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He shook his head in reply. "No."

He pushed open the door slowly and we both stepped inside the room. There were in total ten people in the room and no one realised we came in.

There was a brown haired hair boy with a massive physique standing with his hand draped over a brunette's shoulder. The girl was blinking rapidly and looking up at the ceiling. "It's okay Andy," the boy said to her, who I presumed was her boyfriend.

My eyes flickered to a beautiful blonde who was crushed against a tattooed boy. He was too looking up at the ceiling, clutching the blonde tightly. Almost as if she was his lifeline. The blonde looked up and placed a small kiss on the edge of his jaw.

There was a tall mixed raced boy leaning against the window sill, a tall dark haired exotic girl in his arms. He was wearing shades but then lifted it up to his head, looking down at the girl in his hands. The girl however, had her eyes shut tightly, almost pretending to not be there?

My eyes sifted to the right. Sitting on a wheelchair was a girl, her looks equally exquisite. She was standing close to the bed, hiding whoever was on it. But I could see that she was holding their hand tightly, not wanting to let go. Standing next to her was a dark haired, pale faced boy. He hand his hand on her shoulder.

Something moved to my left and I snapped my head to see there was another guy leaning against the wall. He was the one that caught sight of us first and he pushed off the wall, towards Tobath.

"Karl." Tobath greeted.

As soon as Tobath spoke, all heads turned towards us except the girl in the wheelchair. The blonde stepped forward, her grey eyes landing on my face hopefully.

I felt Tobath's hand tighten in mine, almost if telling to hang on because something was about to happen. "Hey Ellie."

The girl - Ellie - smiled at Tobath painfully. "You brought her."


a/n: squad goals

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