Adrien was lying through his ass, only to continue the charade by climbing out the car and coming around to the other side and opening the door for her.

"Sure," he continued down the phone line. "I'm certain she will. That was why you hired her after all." Adrien let out a fake laugh as he saluted the Gorilla and grabbed her arm yanking her from the vehicle.

Phone still to ear, he continued his own conversation ignoring the fact he was marching her down the street. All she'd have to do was shout 'help' and she was quite sure the police would come to save her. A small woman like her being manhandled towards the park must be some sort of cause for concern.

Making it to the crosswalk, Adrien ended the call and placed the phone back into his pocket. She half expected him to let her go, however instead she found herself being pulled across the road and into the park.

"What the hell are you doing?" she said, looking up at his strong jaw as light reflected perfectly on his face. She swore his chin could cut glass. "You're going to get me fired and it's only my first day!" she continued.

Did he not realise she needed this job? That she wasn't like him and couldn't afford to just laze around all day on her ass. She didn't have trust funds to fill a swimming pool and take laps in.

"It's lovely here isn't it," he said in way of an answer. He continued to drag her down the pathways of the park, every now and then steadying her as she stumbled over fallen twigs and ill placed rocks.

They headed deeper and deeper into the park. Was he going to kill her and throw her in the lake? She wouldn't be surprised, his eyes were glistening with something and his face was hard with emotion.

"Adrien, it's 5:50 in the morning. What the hell are we doing walking in a dark park?"

"It's not that dark," he scoffed, continuing to walk deeper down the tree lined pathway. He seemed to know exactly where he was heading — opposite to herself. He must already have a spot ready to hide her body.

Designer missing — last person to see her was incredibly innocent and not at all a suspect, super hot, super rich model, Adrien Agreste.

Marinette looked around and couldn't help but think he'd gone insane. Apart from the few street lamps lighting the pathways, the area was almost pitch black and incredibly scary. She had visions now of a supervillain appearing and taking her down; she couldn't just transform and reveal herself — at least not in front of him.

"Slow down," she hollered, attempting to keep up with Adrien.

"Why? Are you scared?"

Marinette could hear the humour in his voice and she wanted to pick up a fallen twig and launch it at the back of his head. If anything, he was the one who should be scared. She could beat the shit out of anyone who crossed their paths — including him.

"Don't worry, Dupain-Cheng, I'll protect you," he continued.

She scoffed. "What are you going to do? Pretty them into submission."

"My fencing skills are multi-use!" He finally let go of her and moved on ahead, her legs struggling to keep up with the blond model.


Without warning, he stopped and she almost crashed into the back of him, her hands grabbing onto his hips to steady herself.

"You really seem to have a low opinion of me," he said, stepping out of her grasp and placing a hand around her waist to keep her up right.

"Well... it's the only opinion you've shared with me."

They continued to walk in silence, Marinette having no idea where they were going and instead following Adrien as he guided them somewhere within the park.

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