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Niall james Horan, 29 years old and leads a maffia gang. Seems really shy but is in fact the brain behind everything. Has been best friends with Louis Tomlinson since they were in the crib. Was in high school bullied and now wants revenge for everything. He doesn't care what it takes. Works at an office as cover. Everyone loves him but they don't know the truth. Is strict to the kids but that is to keep them safe cus he cares a lot about them. He owns 3 whole apartment building where people live but no one knows it is his. Would never ever hurt kids. He smokes and drinks. Doesn't believe anyone can love him

Louis William Tomlinson, 31 years old and works with Niall

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Louis William Tomlinson, 31 years old and works with Niall. He has 2 kids. Freddie (12) and Darcy (8). He cares a lot about the kids and knows Niall isn't that cold. Would never hurt any kids, does everything Niall says. Loves to get back on everyone for what they did to niall. Lives with Niall and the kids. He was one of the cool kids at school. Smokes and drinks. Believes in the soulmate system.

Zayn Malik, 30 years old

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Zayn Malik, 30 years old. Has been friends with Louis and Niall since they were in middle school. Works for niall and rapes people for niall when he asks. Knows Nialls secrets just like Louis. Helps the kids with homework most off the time.

Liam James Payne, 27 years and bullied Niall a lot

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Liam James Payne, 27 years and bullied Niall a lot. Doesn't know that where he lives is Nialls. Was always jealous on Niall cus niall was handsome and very smart. Has 2 kids, amy (1) and Bear (6). Does anything in his power to protect the kids. Regrets bullying Niall a lot. Went way further then just words when he bullied Niall.

Harry Edward styles, 28 years old and bullied niall too but just with words

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Harry Edward styles, 28 years old and bullied niall too but just with words. Lives with Liam in the same apartment building. Know the rules very well and just follows them. Works in the bakery. Loves his job.

There will be more people but you'll see later

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There will be more people but you'll see later.

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