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Every Shie Hassaikai member stood behind you. You only took a hundred men. Taking every Shie Hassaikai member felt like a stretch- over seventy-thousand men are no joke. The big four stood in one neat row at your back. Despite their clear displeasure, you'd banned the reckless use of weaponry. It was so cowardly- too cowardly that you found it absolutely disgusting. Everyone was capable of far more than a gun's bullet- capable of protecting what they cherish bravely and passionately. Man to man, fist for a fist, blade for a blade. Gun for a gun wasn't how you liked to play.

Besides, you only allowed weapon usages in official Yakuza matters- they had no fun to miss.

But this is a gang. If you approach them, you approach them with equal terms.

You're no coward to hoard a base with a higher number of men- more so if they are armed men.

That is why the big four were now bare. Missing all of their fun, no blades, no guns, no grenades, no chain mace for Twenty.

But they understood your principles and respected it- they are your precious Kobun after all, your students too...

You all stood before what seemed like a stairway to heaven.

It sure could take ya there without takin' ya there... shit is that? A demon sent from hell after human legs?

Absolutely disgusting.

You raise your arm, signalling for your men to spread out. Some hid behind bushes, some completely surrounding Musuhashi Shrine and the rest watching atop nearby buildings, ready to step in if need be.

Just safety measures.

Toman is in there, quite obviously. Those bikes sure show quite the count.

Quite the miniscule count. About a hundred?

The hell will a gang do with a measly hundred men? Well, good. You only got a hundred today anyway. Fair and square.

Maybe not?


He slightly stepped forward to your call, "yes kumichō?" You turned to face him, unusually serious he stood.

"Do you have the deal list?"

"Yes, kumichō."

"Good. Hand it over to Oleg, he'll do the speaking."

To this, Oleg perked up. Not because he understood or anything -only a few words if he was honest- but because he heard his name being icily recited like the final words he'd hear.

If he messes this up, he won't see the light of day for long. He won't be able to, in all seriousness. He knows that you are dead serious when you say you'll surround him with mountains of textbooks.

You did it before.

He shuddered at the memory of all the damned grammar, shaking his head. Twenty handed Oleg the tab, pitying the Russian boy, and there it was.

Well... shit. He's screwed.

Japanese in the smallest font, a list that strummed his doom.

The three behind a frozen Oleg prayed silently for the boy, Twenty letting out a sniffle.

You tap Oleg's shoulder, snapping him out of his trance. "You'll do fine. Read every character slowly. Let's go, 'kay?"

A nod, his silver hair slightly bobbing up and down. You led the four up the staircase quietly, only Twenty's skipping feet and whistles to be heard.

𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄-𝐋𝐀𝐏𝐒𝐄 [Tokyo Rev.][YAKUZA!OP!F!R]Where stories live. Discover now