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A sudden knock harshly snapped me back to reality. Unmoving and unresponsive I stand at the pivot of my distorted shell. Silence traced my spine down to my bare feet, discomfort growing by second. That person, whoever it is, is probably still behind my door.

What a nuisance, number twenty I am sure.

I silently count in my head with a heavy sigh, antagonising the boy soon to be present- avid and animated, full of life and emotion. Bewildering is it not?

Three, two, o-

My door burst open, my groan not going unnoticed by the leaping boy. I slowly turn around, eyes sharply trained on the manchild before me. He bowed deeply, slightly bending his knees, placing his gloved hands over them and looking up at me with determination.

Number twenty it is, I know a nuisance when I see one- much more notable when he is present.

Number Twenty: Shin Tanuki, one of the big four.

He possesses tired downturned eyes adorned with mischievous piercing brown, flawless pale skin and plump lips paired with silky, honey blonde hair. His features were sharp, the mole beneath his eye and the other above his lip beautifully contrasting his countenance. His hair framed his face beautifully, soft locks layered over the other into a messily styled jellyfish cut. Elegantly dressed he, in a white button up layered below the warmth of his vest, plaid pants lingering just below his ankles and fearing to touch his polished shoes, plain white socks crawling up his leg below the shield of cloth draped over his legs...

I hover above the small frame of his figure, arms crossed just below my chest as I cock a brow- just a head above him yet my gorgonizing glare seemed to crawl from the depths of hell, leagues below his feet and far from ground's reach.

"Osu, kumichō*!" he greeted, a stern respect dripping down the sweat rolling along his face, loyalty seeping through his pores. A golden retriever.
*[ᴋᴜᴍɪᴄʜᴏ; ʙᴏss (ʏᴀᴋᴜᴢᴀ)]

"What now?" I monotonously mutter to the -now stiff- boy.

He visibly shuddered, a single sweat drop rolling by his cold cheek. "Erm-"

"To the point, twenty."

"Yes, yes!"

He mustered up his most stern expression into a booming yell, eyebrows furrowed as his eyes glared right through my own, "we've located the Hitomaru clan's base!"

Now that, I did not expect.

"Hitomaru?" I narrowed my eyes, slightly tilting my head. I knew I heard him right, I just couldn't believe I was hearing him right.

"The Hitomaru?" I question once more

"Ehh... yesn't?" He squealed under his nerves, smile faltering as the corners of his eyes twitched.

"Twenty, have you come to play!?" My voice roared, echoing through the enclosed space and -surely- down the hallways.

"We found their base- yes, however, it may be abandoned since their clash with Moebius during a drug transaction!" He spoke in an anxious and rushed manner, almost like a widden-dream high school girl- or more of a nightmare?

"Moebius? What would a lowly gang do with the yakuza- let alone the Hitomaru?"

"A-ah... that, well..."


"Moebius seems to be getting cocky lately- open to drug dealing, crime and illegal methods of expansion. Delusional scum think they're good enough to mingle with our kind- disrupting the public order, even!" He withdrew his eyes to the ground, teeth clenched as he spoke bitterly, clearly irked.

𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄-𝐋𝐀𝐏𝐒𝐄 [Tokyo Rev.][YAKUZA!OP!F!R]Where stories live. Discover now