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9:01 AM

"Let me cut to the chase- you're all screwed."

I monotonously mutter, legs crossed on my chair. The usually empty shed was now filled with about sixty-five men aligned before me, all hunched over, not daring to look up as they sat on their bare knees.

They wore nothing but briefs.

"You know I don't like skin but you sure made mine boil..." I stood up from my seat, calling over to Eight.

Number Eight: Ryuu Katsu, one of the big four.

He silently stood just a foot behind me, tall, muscular build bowing as he handed me a gun, neatly laid out on his gloved hands, outstretched to my reach. I mouth a quick thank you for a nod in exchange before turning around to face my lineup.

Everyone audibly gulped.

"I don't like blood either, especially from my precious kobun..." I strode before them, standing just centimetres away from their figures.

"My father would've been more merciful, but honestly, how dare you? How dare you taint the Shie Hassaikai's golden nameplate with your filthy fingerprints?" I spoke resentfully, repulsed at each honorless man before me.

"Now, I'm sure you'd like to protect the remains of your pride, so, whoever instigated this, be a bit of a man and stand up before me." Every kneeling human broke out in cold sweat, skin going pale as they violently shuddered.


I silently aim to the shed's roof with the hand bearing my gun and fire.

The bang echoed throughout the room, the pitiful traitors flinching and squeezing their eyes shut.

Just then, one ingrate was pushed on his feet.

Haha, betrayed by his own followers?

How absolutely disgusting.

I aim at the rat who pushed out his leader so thoughtlessly and fire, sending a splatter of blood amongst the group. He killed his leader so quickly, I killed him twice as fast.

"I don't think you understand what I meant when I said step up. You betray me, then your leader? How low do you all plan on stooping? I thought you'd at least have some morals left?" I spoke amused, but a fool would miss my derogatory tone. My face scrunched up in aversion.

The man who was singled out was shaking, fear far more than evident by his anxious posture and damp skin, knees and teeth clattering together as he crossed his arms in hopes of some coverage, spine awkwardly bent forward. His horridly thin body stumbled back with a gust of wind, ribs peeking through his reddish skin. Blood pooled by his feet. Yuck. I begin with a frown,

"Did you start this?"

A slow, painful nod.

"Do you regret it?"

Another nod.

"Do you apologise?"

He quickly shot up, profusely nodding. "Yes, kumichō!"

"Disgusting." A loud bang echoed throughout the tense space, thick air mixed with the scent of blood as a hole tore through the centre of his head. He dropped dead, right next to his rat.

"When you do things like rebellion," I stride among the mortified men, "you hold onto your new set of morals." I shrug, slumping over.

"Disgusting!" I yell, startling everyone. I straighten my posture and broaden my shoulders, waving my hands beside me.

𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄-𝐋𝐀𝐏𝐒𝐄 [Tokyo Rev.][YAKUZA!OP!F!R]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ