How can I hit him with the instrument used for animals? In fact, why use it on any creature?

I looked at Sebastian then at Asad, not sure where I should take it or not.

Is this truly necessary?

Then again, what's the point of asking this? It was for his solace. He wanted this, this was his redemption.

I must do this.

"Are you sure, Sebastian? Do you truly want to do this? What will I tell Father?" Ruben asked nonchalantly, coming to us as well.

Sighing, Sebastian bore his intense eyes into mine, giving a sensation of cloud-nine, making me lose my identity at our link as he enunciated.

"Tell him, A goddess punished me for my deeds."

I blushed, averting my gaze, taking the whip, holding it with my trembling hands with a dried throat.

"Do you understand the power of love now, Sebastian?" Ruben smirked, giving his shoulder a pat before maintaining a fair distance.

"I would kill you if any of you get a word out about it." Sebastian threatened, glaring at them to not spread words and ruin his image or name.

"Leave you two, I want to do this alone." I demanded.

They didn't question and walked out, leaving us alone. I took a deep breath when Sebastian took his shirt off and bent on his knees. I stood before him, he was on his knees, waiting to be punished for his actions, for everything that had happened till now.

"Sebastian." Calling him with the most loving my voice could go, I cupped his cheek, making him shut his eyes, breath hitched.

"Before we continue, I just want you to know that I love you and I am going to do this for your solace, not because I want to hold a grudge against you. I am doing this out of my love for you. For you." I whispered, caressing his beard, moving my hand upward to his hair, pushing them back, smiling affectionately at him.

"You love hurting me beautifully, don't you?" He chuckled, looking down, grabbing my wrist and pulling my hand away.

"I guess I do." I laughed a little and pulled away, moving to the back.

My smile converting into seriousness, my hands were shaking. I had many questions, limitless hesitations but his words imprisoned me to follow his request.

"Scarred my body like how I have scarred your soul, Eileen."

"Don't worry. We will go in chronological order. I will let you know the reason for each hit so you can remember."

We both inhaled and I was ready.

"One, for tricking you into marrying me."

Oh, how can I forget how he married me under the fake label of a charming prince. How he married me for the sake of gaining my misery. I no longer cursed the day we met.

I hit him.

He groaned, resting his hand on the ground, I gasped, "Oh my God, was it hard? I am so sorry, Sebastian." I panicked, worried about the bruise forming on his skin.

Ignoring my worry, he continued, "Two, for lying to you about my true Identity."

For not telling me about his true nature, that the man I met at the altar was a fake image.

My lips were shaking, my body was curled into repugnance, strictly against damaging him for what occurred in the past.

"Three, For emotionally ruining you."

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