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Chapter Fourteen: Rumination

When they heard the knock, Aleksander shot out of bed, put on a robe, and went to open the door

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When they heard the knock, Aleksander shot out of bed, put on a robe, and went to open the door. It was something serious, and Alina wanted to come with him, but he gestured for her to stay, and she listened. She lay down in their bed and closed her eyes. After a moment, she was asleep.

When she woke up again, it was still dark outside, and the bed to her side was empty, but a warm light was coming through the gap of the door conjoining Aleksander's bedroom to his work chambers. Alina slid out of the warm sheets and felt the cold marble floor beneath her feet. She put on a light pink silk robe and went to where the light was coming from. Aleksander had her back turned to her – as she went closer, she noticed he was looking at a realistic dimensional map made of stone, iron, and marble. She remembered that Nikolai had a similar map, but this one was a lot bigger and more accurate. There were different colored figures stationed on the map and Alina soon realized these were the colors of his Grishas. There was another color – sea blue, on the other side that they were, she distinguished after a closer look. Enemies.

Aleksander didn't look up at her when she entered, but he knew she was there. She looked at his face from the side – dark, harsh lines on his cheekbones, around his eyes, his lips, his gaze black and merciless. His whole figure was enwrapped with looming shadows. She shivered from the memories of this stance.

"What happened?" she asked quietly, putting her hand on his shoulder softly, the shadows wrapping around her fingers.

His lips twisted in a snarl, words coming out in a hiss. "Vasily. He occupied the Grand Palace with his army last night," he said, putting the biggest sea-blue figure where the Grand Palace was on the map.

Alina swallowed thickly, "I thought it was protected."

"I left a hundred of my Grishas there. They are all dead now."

"I'm sorry."

She conjured sunlight with her palms which made his shadows retract. Aleksander turned to her. "Vasily will attack the Little Palace next. I can't let that happen, I must fight him there before he reaches our home."

Alina looked at him, caressing his cheek softly. "Okay. We'll fight him. He can't beat both you and me—"

"No, not you and me, Alina. I'll fight him alone."

Alina frowned, "But you're not alone anymore, you have me... You don't have to do this on your own any longer..."

Aleksander put his hand on where hers covered his cheek. He turned her hand palm up and kissed the inside of her wrist. "I know. But I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you. I need you to stay here while I fix all of this."

She looked at him for a long moment. Her light was disappearing, his shadows ascended once again. She nodded.


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