1. The start of Fourth year

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Dear diary, today it's the 16th of August 2023 and it's currently 6:10 am. You're probably wondering who I am and why I'm up so early. My name is John Laurens and the reason why I'm awake so early is because I've got school. I know, I know school doesn't start until 9 am so I should've stayed asleep until at least 7:40 am but I was just really excited to write in you, you came so late last night that I never got the chance to. anywho today is my first day of Fourth year, I'm both excited and nervous, the first day back at school after the long summer holidays always makes me excited and nervous at the same time. I'm mostly nervous about seeing my friends again I haven't seen most of them since the summer holidays started. It's actually quite funny that even after these 2 years I'm still nervous about seeing them. Speaking of my friends my two besties Hercules and Lafayette are calling me right now be right back.

I'm back. Sorry that I took so long I just got caught up in what me, Hercules and Lafayette were talking about, we were talking about school and there's a rumour that our head teacher Mr Jay got fired for some reason and that we're getting a new head teacher called Mr Willson or something. Oh, and there are two more rumours that we talked about. According to the rumours we're getting a new student that's gonna be in our year and apparently, the new student is the new head teacher's child. If the rumours are true I hope the new headteacher is nice because Mr Jay most definitely wasn't. And as for the new student, I hope it's a boy, A cute boy that I can date. I'm just joking I'm not ready to date again, My last relationship wasn't exactly what anyone would call healthy but everyone would definitely call it toxic as fuck, um I'll tell you more about that another time though. I'm super hungry right now so I'm going to go downstairs and make myself and my family some breakfast and pack my sibling's lunch, maybe my dad's lunch too probably not though he's a grown-ass man I'll make his food but I'm not packing his lunch. After I'm done eating and packing the lunches I'll get ready for school even though it's only 6:45 am. I'll tell you about my day when I come home goodbye for now! -John Laurens🖤

Dear diary (Lams High school AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang