"Here you are," Sira responds kindly, handing the slices to me.

I thank her once more and walk away, thinking again of Sira's husband. Perhaps I am acting too selfish for not wanting to partake in a plan that could aid this country because I'm unsatisfied with my role. I take a bite of melon, savoring its cool, fresh taste. I am finally beginning to feel more calm, when suddenly an aggravating voice causes my anger to return tenfold.

"Fetia! Funny seeing you here!"

I glance up, easily recognizing Vasa, one of the "most handsome" men in our village by my sister's standards. Unlike Lagi's scrawnier frame, he is much more muscular, and his dark hair that hangs down in waves around his face is somehow shinier as well.

"I come to the market every day," I say, hoping my curt answers will end the conversation quickly. "And I assume you do as well."

"Well, funny that we're both here, in this same spot, of the market today," he answers.

I say nothing in response, watching him struggle to continue the conversation. Finally, he settles on the following.

"You grabbed some melon, I see!"

"Yes, from Sira's booth," I respond. I begin to shove past him. "Now, if you'll excuse me—"

Vasa's hand catches my wrist. "Wait, Fetia."

I turn, briefly making eye contact with him.

"Would you like to—"


Palila's familiar voice cuts him off.

I quickly pull away my hand from Vasa's grasp and wave to Palila, who has just turned the corner and is now walking down the street towards me. I walk swiftly over to her, having never been so overjoyed to see her in my life.

"There you are!" I exclaim. "I got that melon you wanted," I say, handing a slice of melon over to her.

She gazes at me, perplexed, but when she sees Vasa behind me, suddenly, she understands.

"Oh! Thank you, Fetia! Should we head off, then?" Palila asks.

I nod eagerly.

"Have a good day," I tell Vasa before I turn away. Once we're a few blocks away, I finally exhale in relief.

"Here's your melon back," Palila says, returning the uneaten slice to me.

"Thanks," I respond, taking a bite of the fruit. "And, thank you, for saving me back there."

"Is he still bothering you?" Palila wonders.

"Unfortunately," I say. I continue munching on my melon and let out a sigh. "I wish he hadn't taken a liking to me. He always manages to interrupt my errands. It'd be better if he liked Kiana instead."

"Why's that?" Palila asks.

I stiffen, knowing I can't tell Palila about Kiana's so-called "former feelings" for Lagi.

"I think she would show him more interest than me, that's all," I grumble. "I don't understand. The rest of his family is quite pleasant. His older sister is quite delightful. But Vasa...honestly, I'm surprised he hasn't been whisked off to the army yet."

"I think he would need a sharper mind for that, unfortunately," Palila answers, smiling weakly. Not used to hearing her talk poorly about anyone, I clutch my side and erupt in laughter. Once I'm done wiping tears from my eyes and compose myself, I smile at her.

"Thank you for that. I needed some laughter today," I respond.

"Of course. Is everything okay?" Palila asks.

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