Loki then bring up two glasses representing Adam and Zeus explaing there life energy. Which ever overflows the human or the god would die.

Odins birds: what hold on. I see only two glasses. But what about the other human.

Odin: hm...

Loki: well that cute one seem he hasn't used up his full power yet. But the way I see it his endurance is on a limit so perhaps he already used it all. What a shame I would have like to see what movement he could have don on me. hehe.

Odin birds: huh? Movements?

Adam continues to keep using his divine reflection overheating his body even more. Y/N try's to retake consciousness and join in the fight before Adam overloads.

Y/N(mind): gotta get back up. And fight, Fight! Fight for humanity!

Adam and Zeus now punching back at each other landing blow after blow. Non stop punches.


Adam stood strong and reflect every attack at the god. Both of the glass are still holding strong not over flowing.

Loki: How lame. They're both still hanging in there.

As Adam and Zeus continuously fighting each other Y/N get back up and try's to help Adam. All crowds are cheering on.

God Crowds: Adam! You attack won't work for Zeus. Just give up!

Human Crowds: Father! Father! Hurry and die Zeus! Look Y/N getting back up! Kill him!

Shiva: Hey! Don't you dare stop now. Don't ever stop, you hear me?


Adam throw one more punch at Zeus but looks back at his family once more as Zeus opens for a punch hitting Adam in the face, the force throws Adam far off Y/N grabs Adam as both hit the wall the impact causes Y/N mask brakes reveling his face.

Heimdall: oh my gods! Zeus was able to hit the killing blow on Adam and Y/N talk about killing two birds with one stone.

Y/N: Adam say something!

Adam looks up and sees Y/N's face tearing up and smiles back at him.

Y/N: why, why didn't you let me finish him?

Adam: I need to protect my Children. You and all of humanity. Now it's your turn.

Adam begins to glow and his entire body begins to crack like glass and shatters knowing that the Father of humanity has died in Y/N's arms. Y/N begins to cry out.

Y/N: ADAM!!!

Heimdall: Adam is been eliminated from the fight now that leaves Y/N!

Y/N: you basterd.

Zeus: Oh?

Y/N: what kind of god decideds a to end all life. What kind of god kills there creation. Your not my god. Your worse then humanity, your worse then hell it's self, Your My ENEMY!!!

Y/N's Eyes begins to glows red with anger.

Zeus: well then you'll die the same way as Adam did.

Zeus rushes towards Y/N about to deliver the killing blow.

Göll: Y/N!!!

Brünnhilde: what are you doing move!

Zen(mind): I'm counting on you Y/N.

Grandpa: get out of the way or your minced meat!

As Zeus was about to hit him his fist stopped in place as Y/N grabs his knuckles with the palm of his hand. And double kicks Zeus in the face throwing him far to other end of the arena.

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