Hey Leafy!

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Two pov

I was laying on my bed once again bored like always, But this time I was expecting for Leafy for I wanted to see her again she was a nice and chill person to talk to even tho she only came to talk about my side of the story I still wanted some company that's not from my contestants till I heard a faint knock on my door, I gave a small "I'm coming".and stood up opening the door revealing Leafy "Hey Leafy" I greeted giving a faint smile "Heya Two!" Leafy greets back with a smile "Is there anything I can assist you with?" I ask "Well.. I actually came here with someone.." Leafy mutters "Is it one of the contestants here? Or one of the constants from four? Leafy who did you bring?"

Leafy pov
(Before getting to Two)
We finished another challenge, It wasn't so bad after we were done I walked away till I felt someone or something following me I quickly glance behind me as I see our silly yellow alien buddy "X?" I call out as I hear a small sigh as X came out from he bushes "Why are you following me X" I ask glaring at him "Uh Hey Leafy,..I wanted to know where your going Leafy I'm so sorry for following you." X apologize as he pleads for forgiveness I of course forgave him "X do you really wanna know where I'm going?" I ask "I guess so.." X answer "If you wanna know promise me you won't tell anyone where we are gonna go or who you will meet." "meet what do-" "X." "I promise I won't tell another soul what I saw" X swore


I started to walk again this time X next to me we went to the very end of the island as I jumped off X first looked horrified and quickly looked down to see if I'm still alive he saw me slowly falling down to a boat "X don't worry come down!" I half shouted hoping only X heard me "I'm coming!" X jumped as I tried to soften his fall by  trying to catch him bad idea of course as I was squished X quickly get off me and helped me up "Leafy where are you talking us?" X asked confused "You'll see" I answer as I started the small boat we made it to the "bfb" grounds mostly now the TPOT grounds to say correctly "Wait Leafy why are we here?" X asked looking at me "Just trust me.." Me and X swifty went over to the hotel "Can you climb X?" I asked "Not really but I can try.." X said unsure I sighed as I grabbed his hand "Leafy what are you doing-" I quickly ran inside the hotel not letting anyone see us as I quickly ran up stairs making it to the second floor "Ugh.." X was feeling dizzy we get in the elevator and made it to the floor Two was in I walked over there with X as I open the the door typical it's not locked we got in as I told X to sit down.

Two pov

"He's sitting in the living room" Leafy led me to the living room "Don't shout kay?" I glared at him "Okay..?" I was confused but went with it, Then I saw him "X?" I was shocked and confused "You guys both know Four the best was he any different before..?" Leafy asked sternly as she sat down "Leafy.. You really don't need to know all." I said sitting down "Four said he used to have a different personality, And I want to know more so please.. Tell me" Leafy pleads as I sigh I look at X as he nods "Four was way more kinder before" I started "He told me he was at least nice" Leafy spoke "He was actually very nice and very friendly." X added "But I actually wanted to know how Four acts with you Leafy" I asked "Me?" Leafy looks at me "Mhm" I hummed "Well.. He is nice and kinda protective over me, He might look threatening to the other contestants but he's very different in my view, When the post split happened I saw me. I saw me in Fours position it might not be the same but like Four I was left behind." Leafy said just looking at the ground X just looks at Leafy in pity and I do too. "How about I make us some tea" I suggest as I stand up "Oh, of course that will be delightful." Leafy smiled she had a pure smile.. X nods as I went to the kitchen making us some tea I came back with three tea and gave each if us a cup "Thank you Two" Leafy and X politely thanked me as I smile and nod at least they appreciate my tea.

Used to be best friends.. | BFB/TPOT FicWhere stories live. Discover now