Doesn't feel right. / 2

431 5 7

Two pov

I just turned my whole life around..'oh shit..' I mumbled lightly not making anyone hear I literally did the opposite of what I'm here for! I'm not for Four show but for Four? That's quite a tongue twister but I just wanted to be with Four be friends maybe even with X! Ugh! Why is life so hard?! I was walking back and fourth as X watched me from afar this doesn't feel right what do I do now.. Yes I choose this myself but did I want this to happen? No! This is like math but.. But much worse! I was panicking I don't know how to handle a show?! That's what Four can do and I didn't want to start a show to begin with! I was here for Four and I got a fucking show! My thoughts we're running as a sweat stream down my for head 'maybe I can return them,.. Maybe I could disband them,.. Maybe I could leave them?.., maybe maybe maybe....' I was muttering quietly walking faster back and fourth then someone tapped my shoulder "Two are you okay?" X asked looking worried "O-oh! X of course I'm okay why wouldn't I be.." I put both my hands on my sides and looked prideful "Well you we're walking back and fourth, sweating and muttering??" X looked confused then looked at me for answers shit what do I say.. "Oh well uh.. I was just thinking of a challenge! And uh.. It's about uh.. Er.. That building!" I pointed my hands to the building I made with my powers "Oh? What kind of challenge?" X asked "Er.. It's uh the first team to get up the building!" I smile sweating still holding my pose "Oh cool! I think they already got there teams I don't know if they have names tho.." X spoke as he points to the crowded area of objects 'Ugh great another problem.' I mumbled "What was that Two?" X turns to me "Oh nothing let's go check on them!" I blurted out as we both walk to the objects.

We made it and hey I got news they already have team names! "Great! I thought I'll have to make team names myself" I smiled this problem is done, now for the bigger problem I don't want these contestants I stole from Four.. How do I get them to go back to Four.. I think I know how to get them back.. Let's wait till elimination and see if it'll work for now we wait till one of these teams go to the elimination zone first hum, welp time to explain the rules of the challenge I just made up just now I fixed my posture and looked at my contestants ugh this just doesn't feel right I felt my stomach twist fuck.. "Everyone gather around I will explain the very first challenge!"

X pov

Two is acting a bit strange??, He is pretty swiftly with his movement and doesn't really calm down he was shaking a lot a drop of sweat while walking back and fourth what's wrong with him? Is something bothering him? It doesn't feel right just watching him so I tapped his shoulder and asked if he's okay.. Now skip it was the first challenge and it was pretty easy to do just get up a building it's not really hard for the first challenge tho when Two explained half of the rules he went up the building so no one heard him.. That's the bad part those who fly and reach it to the top only then they get informed of the rest of the rules so it wasn't really fair? I just watched everything go down then Death P. A. C. T again lost the challenge our very first challenge and the very first team to be in elimination tho..

After that event the contestants went to beat up Two?! Why?! And Two didn't do anything! If that was Four the contestants haven't even touched him they'd be on the floor dead not breathing but this is Two not Four I feel bad for Four I just left him but he told me to go to Two so I did! But it doesn't feel right leaving Four like that I should have stayed.. For Two I'd love to play pattie cake more with him but Four was someone special to me and I just left wait I'm getting of topic!! Two's really injured but he'll be okay?? I guess . .? I just really miss Four I kinda wish I stayed with him but he told me to leave and go so here I am with Two and most of the contestants, I wonder if Four misses me as much as I miss him..

Leafy pov

I stood there as I watched Four cry on his knees don't ask me why he was crying especially in front of me gladly no one was there just me and Four and this doesn't feel right watching Four crying he really misses X so much! And he regrets acting his way out of BFB 16 I went on my knees and hugged him I didn't want to stand there and watch him cry! So I went to hug him as he hug s me back "Leafy I'm such a terrible host! I'm such a terrible friend! I'm just terrible at everything I am worth nothing but trash!" Four cries in my arms sobbing endlessly I couldn't help but feel bad I pat his back "No Four.. Your not a terrible host, Your not a terrible friend and your not terrible at everything you are worth diamonds or more" I say soothingly rubbing Fours back "We learn from mistakes and we try to make the best out of it, "I was like you Four back then but I've learned from mistakes and tried my best to be better." I say trying to lighten to mood with determining? Or motivating? quotes I've learned from experience "Right.. Learn from mistakes and try to be better" Four spoke shakily as be smiles "There we go!" I exclaimed as I help him stand, no one ever saw this side of Four since everyone knew Four as I self-centered number who cares for no one but I see who he truly is and he's a good number you just have to understand him..

"Leafy.. I'm ready to host again."


Okay okay, I know they all acted out of character especially Four he would never especially to one of his contestant

So I'm sorry but sad chapter I guess?? I WAS gonna cry while I was writing Leafys pov tho I'm strong not to cry about something I wrote

Tho I hope you liked this chapter!

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