Writer's oneshot ideas rambles..

Start from the beginning

Or Red Arrow or Kidflash end up being the first sidekicks ever known instead. 

I don't want to say if Batman stays rough and brutal now that he never had a Robin to teach him to be better. 

So, I'll leave Batman's turn of events untouched. 

I don't think Bruce would take any of his other children in .. I think he'd try to save them and home them elsewhere but he's been Batman too long when he comes across Jason and the others. 

He has no space for a child in his life .. that side of him was locked away long ago. 

I don't want to say what happens to the other bat kids since they get taken in by Batman. They live their lives that they'd be given by the change of the past. It's sad to think about and I don't want to go down that path right now..

I mean, if you wanna add a twist than have Batman take in the rest of the kids anyway. But he wouldn't be the same batman and I fear that the family would be filled with cracks and be a bit broken. 

Dick was the emotionally support and positive affection member of the family. He supported and gave out second chances more often than anyone else did. 

So... without Dick holding them together or trying his best to keep them all togehter and felt loved and wanted. I don't think the family would be an overly happy one or some would feel left out and distance themselves. 

Not sure how the storyline would go if Dick simply chosen the spell where he no longer existed in the world. That he was never born. 

I feel like it'd be a similar path as if he was never adopted. 

I just don't see this as a happy storyline. 

I'm leaning more towards a sad or heart-breaking story end. 

But it could hold a happy ending over the same magic person appearing before one of the other upset or defeated siblings and offering up a new spell. 

Giving them a chance to bring back Dick and correct the changed past. 

Two: This one can have a ship or be a batfam only thing again. 

This one is rather worrying and sad and creepy. 

But everyone knows that Dick gains respect and love from both heroes and villains. 

Richard is rather friendly, kind, caring and really good looking. 

I feel he'd gain stalkers as both his hero identify and civilian identity. 

At first he'd assumed he had fans like he did during his circus days but soon learnt that they weren't the type of "fans" he was raised to understand having. 

But with how often that Dick gains a craze talker .. he merely saw it as his normal daily life by the time he's an adult. So, he doesn't think or worry over his stalkers much anymore. 

In hero mode or civilian  mode, he merely accepts it and carries on with his life. Only moving into action if things take a turn for the worse. So, he learns to live with being harassed by over half the people he meet. 

But.. he'd never want his siblings to face the same fate. 

Dick cares for other's wellbeing but not his own. 

So.. when one of his siblings gain a stalker that's creeped them out or spooked them. He goes into big brother modes and protects them. 

He helps to deal with the stalker, law binding, so the person can't try it again and would think twice before trying again. 

Before he's check up on that sibling and try to help them feel safe again. 

With how swiftly and mostly unaffected over the whole stalker problem. It gains a few red flags for a couple of the other siblings or even Bruce himself and they speak to him about it. 

Dick carelessly admitting he deals with it almost weekly and knew how to handle it like a pro by now. 

After that answer .. the batfamily start looking into Dick's history a little more and his presnce as well. Noticing just how bad Dick's stalking numbers were and helping to free him from the harassment. 

All of them creating shifts where different members cover a full week to deal with any stalkers that fall upon Dick. Checking up on their brother after dealing with any and helping him to feel safe and show him he held some worth that wasn't some eye candy for a stranger. 

So, this would have a sweet and happy ending. 

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