Writer's oneshot ideas rambles..

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Okay. I've been overthinking about these two storylines for days but I never plan to do them. I don't think I have the writing skill to write them as I keep picturing them as. And it might just be my insomnia brain making me think on the crazy or dark side.

I did use to write all my saddest story plots when my insomnia was the worse. It's gotten better over the years but I normally try not to write when I can't sleep but my eyes are droopy. Saves a lot of broken hearts lol. 

Anyway... I wanted to write these ideas out and have other people have the chance to use them or judge them or whatever. I don't know. I'm hoping if I mention them .. maybe they'd finally leave my head. 


Dick's seen as the golden child. He's the first Robin. The great original that no one can ever replace or reach to the same level. 

But we all know that Dick is human and a bit of a mess half the time. Other's just hold high expectations for him that the poor man can't escape. 

He's suffered a lot. 

And the other bat's and birds suffer because of the hero that "Robin" had highly been talked about and the platform he's been placed upon. All of them have tried to be like Robin Dick or been compared to him. 

All the little bats and birds have been hurt or upset by something involving Dick's hero background. 

So... WHAT IF ... Dick was given the chance to go back in time or never be born at all. During patrol one night, in Gotham because that's where all the weird stuff happens by now. 

Someone with one final spell shows up and offers him this spell. 

Either he can change one thing in the past or not have been born at all. 

Dick being the sacrifice idiot that he is .. agrees. 

It's been a long and hard week. He's feel weak, physically and emotionally. His family are a mess over whatever has happened this time or family argument happening. And as always .. Dick's been pulled in somehow causing that resentment, bitter hatred or jealous to pop up from his siblings again. 

Dick feels like a failure, a fake and he's just so god damn tired. 

So .. to save his siblings and friends from all the bittiness that him choosing to be a hero had brought them all at some point. He takes the spell. 

The one thing he changes is either Haly's Circus not being threatened that day. Leaving little eight year old Dick Grayson to stay with his family and never step into Bruce or Batman's life. 

I don't promise that his parents live long lives. Their job was dangerous so anything could happen in the future. So, leaving that open. But Dick at least stays with the Circus. 

And with no Robin being the first side kick/hero partner ... not many other young heroes have dreams of being like him. And no Batman forms a high platform for Robin either and none of the Justice League members build one either. 

No one comes up with the idea of taking in a young side kick to train. Sure, kids gain powers and stuff but they're simply trained safely and not brought out to the hero front lines until they're older.

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