By Night and By Day - BirdFlash.

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Side Note: Turned into an animal by Magic Au. 

Dick blamed Wally. 

It was the honest way to live by blaming his boyfriend since in truth, it was his fault completely. 

The unfairness of it all was the night they got cursed was the night he took OFF!

He took a night off as Officer Grayson and as Nightwing, he was happily catching up on sleep while his boyfriend was at his own apartment a city away. 

But no, he was awakened up by his dearest boyfriend who wanted to show his latest souvenirs. Dick, being the good and caring boyfriend to an overly excited grown as man-child, didn't murder his dearest on the spot for forcefully waking him up and simply listened to his super-speed rambling instead. 

Before finally reaching under his pillow and zapping Wally with his escrima sticks for waking him up over a stupid souvenir that could have waited until tomorrow during their lunch date. Wally, bless his pure soul, realized his mistake and apologized quickly before making the correct choice of cuddling up with his boyfriend in bed. 

The bronze colour, creepy looking necklace was left forgotten over the bedding where it was dropped during Wally's electric zap while the two men happily drifted off to sleep in each other's arms. 

By morning, he woke up to a ginger furred and white underbelly Saluki drooling on his best beside him. 

Dick felt he was a rather calm and cool-headed person during a mission since he knew one mistake, or any hesitation could risk someone's life. He knew how to act in the moment and not second guest himself until after the mission was finished. 

But living with his boyfriend part-time for the past four years between two cities while also both being heroes when needed, he's seen a lot. He's also faced plenty of pranks in his life and knew how to handle the man known as Wally. 

So, he simply woke up better with his bowl of cereal and carried on getting ready for work. Leaving some water in an old, washed-out take-out tub that he's saved for whenever he needed a tub, before heading to work. 

Not becoming worried when his boyfriend never showed up at the cafe, they've planned to eat lunch at together since hero business often gets in the way. Dick wasn't much of a dick at forgotten plans or not being able to send word beforehand, he's grown up under Batman and got use to life always getting in the way. 

He didn't even worry when he left a couple of missed calls and unanswered texts since a lot can happen during their side of hero lives. 

He only worried when he got home, and the dog was still there and racing around his tiny flat. Running as fast as his boyfriend could and having the same dazzling green eyes as his boyfriend. 

That was the moment that officer Grayson and Nightwing training went out of the window and Richard had a full-on heart attack while panicking like he's never panicked before. His apartment was a pet free apartment, and he can't risk getting pet hairs on his uniform, any of his uniforms, day or not. 

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