31. The Sorcerer's Stone

Start from the beginning

"Then it's agreed," Ron stated.

Harry nodded.  "We'll do it tonight."

~ * ~

Alaina had spent most of the day in her room.  She saw Severus that morning at breakfast and they sat together, which turned out to be a huge mistake.  She had to fight the urge to touch him, to hold his hand, run her fingers through his dark hair she loved so much.  Instead, she had to put her hands up on the table so she didn't tempt herself.  That kiss had awakened something within her she had never felt before.  She had boyfriends, but no one stirred her quite like Severus did.  Severus, on the other hand, hardly acknowledged her presence.  She didn't know what was going through his head, but it seemed he was purposely ignoring her.  

She ate half of her breakfast and then got up from the table.  She left the Great Hall without saying anything to anyone.  Severus watched her go and silently chided himself for not saying anything to her.

Alaina waited in the corridor until Severus came out.  They walked together in silence to the Dungeons.  Once they got downstairs, Severus suggested they replenish his stores of potions before the term started back.  She told him she would help him if he trusted her enough to do it.

"Of course I trust you," he had told her.

They made potions and talked for the remainder of the day.  By the time night fell, Severus's storage cabinet was full once again and they had learned a great deal about each other.

"We're just a couple of outsiders," Alaina joked.  They were walking to Severus's private quarters to rest.

He held the door open for her and then went inside himself once they arrived.  "We are," Severus agreed.  "I was plagued by weakness and you by powers you couldn't control."

She sighed wearily.  "I've done really well.  I haven't lost my temper and I haven't hurt anyone.  I haven't used that awful power since I've had Harry."

"That's great," Severus complimented her.  "I hope you never have to use it."

Alaina chuckled as they sat down on the couch.  She snuggled up to Severus as close as she could get.  "Me too, but let's be realistic.  I'm bound to lose my temper just once before I die."

"You have complete control, Alaina," Severus told her.

"Not always," she whispered.  "If Dumbledore is right and Voldemort returns, I know he will try and kill Harry again.  I feel it in my gut.  If he tries to hurt him or you, I won't be responsible for what I do."

He smiled.  "That's really...sweet."  He kissed her on top of the head.  "But Voldemort won't be near Harry.  He won't get that close."

Alaina gazed up at him.  "What makes you so sure?"

Severus pulled up his the sleeve of his left arm.  "He thinks I still belong to him."

She ran her finger lightly over the faded Dark Mark.  She knew what he was implying and she couldn't bear to think of it at the moment.  There was still plenty of time to figure out a way to talk him out of it.  She let out a long sigh.

"But you don't, Severus.  You belong to me."

He chuckled.  "Yes, I suppose I do."

She grinned and pressed her lips against his.  She had just gathered the courage to admit that she cared about him for more than just a friend.  The last thing she wanted to think about was losing him.  They would cross that bridge when they came to it.

~ * ~

Harry, Ron, and Hermione didn't get to go to Hagrid's that night or the next one.  Before they realized it, Spring was there and they still hadn't been down to visit Hagrid.  They picked a night and set it aside and then they went.

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