Chapter 13: Festivities

Start from the beginning

I mean, I am just surprised that they didn't first check here in the first place. Though, I am sure our guild leader ended up ratting out her location once he ended up taking refuge here from many guards. Wait a minute...

"I do recall some adventurers think I was an elven nobility once I entered, so it must be that the guild already knew that you were here."

"Awwwww." She pouted once more. "Well, next time, I will get them. Say, Lumiya are you sure you aren't nobility?"

"Again with this question." I sighed. "I already told you I wasn't."

"Inquisitor, have you run a background check on her?"

"We are doing an background check on her. It is still ongoing. Currently we haven't found any information on her." So she does talk

"Speaking of information, I knew you were powerful, but I didn't know you were THAT powerful," She complimented. "You took down not only a hero, but the valedictorian of the mage academy."


"So, why don't you be my personal guard?"

"First the noble question, then this? Why are you asking me this?"

"Because you're fun."

"But isn't that what the inquisitor's job's are?"

"The inquisitor's are under the elven queen Lumara. She makes sure to keep them in charge of protecting her children and grandchildren, who form the elven nobility..."

"WAIT!!!!" I exclaimed. "So you are a princess?!?!"

"Well, my mother is."

"Of course."

"So.......what do you say?"

She ended up pulling her hand out to shake on it, but I knew better, sure you can make a deal with a devil, but a deal with a elven noble goes too far. I am sure the moment she has her chance, she would end up sealing the deal with a contract, as to wrap me around her finger. Even if she is quite nice right now.

"What would the process involve to make it official?" I asked.

"Well, first you would have to sign a magical contract, then you would have to get a licenses by the inquisitors to verify your authenticity, which may take a few months, maybe a well as..."

"Yeah...that is a bit too tedious for my liking. I decline that."

"Well, I guess I can't fault you there..." Her face contorted and scrunched up, as she was coming up with another scheme. "Oh! Since your of Lightning Elven lineage, you could possible proclaim your Legitimacy to the queen for a noble title."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, how did you come up with that?"

"You don't know? A few thousand years ago, Lumara had a twin sister named Lumiya."

"Lumiya as in....hero Lumiya?" Ok, if the Ex-Lumiya's are going to have different lives, they at least could change up their names. Just a bit. I am just surprised that the people in this world haven't realized this until now.

"No, no, no" Viviola waved off. "Lumiya decided to live with an ancient amaterian clan as their protector during a holy war. Besides, Lumiya the sword maiden was a human, not half-elf, but human. Legends state that Lumiya the sword maiden obtained the blessing of the Lightning elves, which caused her hair to have the same color."

"But, uhh, where are all of the Lightning elves?" I asked. I was treading on thin ice. I hope that this wasn't going against the Domain rules. I am going to have to go over them again.

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