Chapter 13: Festivities

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Everyone applauded in excitement as I was finished, but after that, I was kinda loss. Sure, i know that if you loss, you would end up going into the stands to watch the rest or rest in the infirmary. But nobody told me what to do if I won. Thankfully, the guild leader Gabriel ended up saying that since we are finished on this end, we are able to take the wagons back to the guild and meet at the back for a celebration as well as a pre-closer to commemorate this event.

As for my intended directive now, I was then escorted by many receptionists over to the infirmary, patching me up a bit, before continuing to escort me to a lavishing carriage embroidered in gold and gems alike. Confused as to why, it seemed that one of the receptionists ended up explaining it to me. It seemed that since I won, I would get the luxury carriage ride back with an elven noble. As for who it is.....

"Can I change my ride?" I asked.

"Rude," the Viviola whined. "Aren't you happy to see me?"

"It wasn't even a few days ago."

A stage coach elf ended up walking up to Viviolia.

"Pardon my interruptions..."

"What is it?" She sighed.

"Most of everyone has already left now. We should get going."

"Alright then. Lumiya, guess you have no choice now."

"I mean...I could probably run..."

Immediately as i said that, Viviola ended up giving a puffy pouty face, beating me to submission. "Fine" I sighed, before joining her in the carriage. To think I can take on hero's a win a tournament, but I can't contend with Viviola's persuasion to get into the carriage. I am too soft where it counts.

Speaking of carriage and speaking of soft, it seemed that the interior was just as eloquent as the outside. The seating was soft and gentle, with a royal purple satin with a green lining. As I sat down, it cushioned my rump. I didn't realize it by now, but after sitting in the wag, followed by those old benches at the colosseum, it was quite burdensome. Still, my armor and weapons was also interfering even now, so I ended up Domain equipping it, was the best choice of my life.

Once we all sat down, I ended up complaining that it seemed that another person also sat down, she wore a mask and a green cloak. I would of thought she was one of Sierra's assassin's, however, her light skin and blond hair told a different story.

"Viviola, the first weirdest thing is you sitting next to me. However you are going to say something along the lines of "Hey, we are friends or that you are a noble and you should be happy that you get to sit by me" or something along those lines. However, out of curiosity for the 2nd weirdest thing, who is that light elf?"

"Oh, she is apart of the elven inquisitors, an elite group of elven warriors who serve directly the noble families. They are skilled at most elven things. From magic, archer, or stealth they can almost do it all. Kinda similar to you."

"Interesting...well, nice to meet you." She stayed silent, to which I ended up whispering to Viviola. "Is she mean?"

"No. It is just that when elven inquisitors are working, they typically take a vow of silence as they are on their job"

"Their job, so she is working right now."

"Correct, she is a guard sent by my family to keep watch." Her face seemed to hold disdain from that.

"Did you have an falling out with your family?"

"You could say that. All I wanted to do was go a upcoming rookie tournament, and my parents just wanted to send a whole unit down, but I ended up managing to hide in a caravan heading to this area. I was hoping that I could just end up going down there, and back, though it took them only two weeks to find my whereabouts," She explained.

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