Chapter 10:Detected

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Ok, so I ended up having the package shipped. Which should of slowed down the estimated time of getting there. However...


Sure, sure, it was a good score that I got, but that is the problem. I was hoping to get at least a B in terms of a good grade on the test, but it didn't come to pass. I immediately ended up storming towards the receptionist who was on the verge of grading me.

"Hey! How come I got a good score?!"

"Your asking like that was a bad thing?"

"Please tell me. I ended up shipping the orbs here, hoping that it would take a bit longer to get there."

"Well, I guess they decided to do your shipment a bit earlier, not that I understand why you did that." The receptionists scratched their head perplexed.

I sighed before walking away. Now I have a sign on my back. Because of this, If it comes down to a battle royal-like combat; I am completely done. Even I couldn't take on this many rookies, given that I am one. Well, on the bright side, at least I know who to look out for, as well as their classes.

It seemed that for most of the event, not that many fighters ended up make it up to the top, leaving many mages and magic users keeping the top. Though, it was without a few acceptions. For instance, the person in first place was a hero named Camren, I think he was the one who ended up find me. As for the other placed people, there was 2 more heroes, one was named Hector, and the other was Damien. They took up 3rd and 4th place.

There was also a few familiar faces. Zarina the hunter got a 6th place, while Circe got 5th place. I was a bit sad that likable people like Harmony didn't even make it to top 50, though it seemed she passed nevertheless.

Like a classic board where students would go to check their class, either being happy or sad, it seemed that this was also the case with everyone. Though, there were a few grudges, some were disclaimed in rumors, such as the newly formed myth about the Lightning beast demon in the woods. It seemed that my feats were over-exaggerated, thankfully, they didn't know who I was, given how dark it was. Not to mention my lighting aura completely seemed to of hide my face.

And then there were more direct grudges...

"Hey! Where is that Lumiya!!" A guy ended up growling. It was a guy wearing pristine armor as well as as sheathe and helm. You could tell how costly his sword was just by the handle of the blade, which was encrusted with many gems.

I decided not to provoke him. He had red hair like Circe, and with that temper, it would make senses they they were related. Could he be her brother? This is why I didn't want to be in the rader.

I decided to make my leave, going as far as hiding my presence to try to get away. However, even as i did, he spotted me. Guess I had no choice...

"Hey! Don't think I don't see or know who you are, Lumiya." Damien said directly at me. I was quite impressed that he could see me, regardless if I didn't perfect that technique. Is it because I immediately disappeared that caused him to react and find my easier? Or a special ability he has? I recall hearing from Ninja that Hero's have a stronger aura and control than normal, so maybe that is the reason why he could see me. "You are that private account adventurer? People gawked about a few weeks ago. What, you think you're better than everyone?"

"Sorry if I have bothered you, great hero." I said, humbling myself before trying to walk away.

"Hey! How dare you turn your back on me! Oh, I get it, it is because what you was a fluke, wasn't it. You are a coward that you can't face me in a real battle."

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