Chapter 6.1: Training

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Walking out of the back of the mansion-sized adventurer's guild. Its size was only emphasized when I saw it from the outside.

"One, two, three, four, five!!!" I counted, tilting my head higher and higher until.. "Whoops". Off balanced, I fell; as if I was sitting on the ground to begin with.

After looking at the mansion, I ended up turning around to see a large training ground. There were many areas sections off for smaller training grounds. Though most of them are typical melee combat areas, some of which having dummies set up, there was also an extensive shooting range.

There were many adventures already out here, working out on a variety of things to hone their craft. And it wasn't just ranged and melee user's out here. There were also quite a few mages testing out their spell casting skills on the allotted targets on the rage. Glances back and forth from a variety of things were quite breathtaking. I could definitely sit out here to observe everything and even then, that would be a good experience for me.

"Hello?" Someone asked.

I ended up snapping out of my haze to see a girl. She seemed to be a human, she looked to be physically around my age.

"Oh hi, sorry." I didn't really know how to respond. Guess my introversion got to better of me. 

"No, you're fine. I was just wondering; do you need directions? Like, to an on-field class."

I almost got carried away. "Right! So, I am looking for the Flash-style Instructor. I was told that there was a place nearby?"

"Oh! You mean the old worn-down dojo. Honestly, I am quite surprised there are still people using that. Most sword style trainers typically train here." She ended up turning around before pointing outward. It seemed she wasn't pointing to anything close. What stretched outward from the training grounds was a forest that looked like it ended up going upward into a hill. It didn't seem to be that big.

"Ahhh, I see. Thank you. I'm Lumiya, by the way."

"My name is Esveth." She responded. "Well, good luck." Esveth went back to training, as was I well, getting there, at least.

I ended up walking for quite a bit. Surprisingly, it was a bit bigger than expected. Seventh ended up pointing me to the right direction, causing me to find a trail to the hilltop. It would have typically been quite scenic. However...

"CRAP-" I yelled, jumping out of the way of an incoming rock. It flew at me with such power. Probably a bit more than the arrow from the goblin. There was no way I would have been able to dodge it normally. However, something odd happened.

Electricity began to fly around me, and everything began to hold a yellow hue to it. I didn't know I was teleported somewhere else, or the world immediately turned this way, but I wasn't going to contemplate on the matter when an incoming rock went my way. I managed to get out of the way, sliding to the ground. This seemed to have ended up a yellow world and made things normal.

"I don't know what happened, but, for a minute there, it felt a bit easier getting out of the way of the rock. To be honest, I was thinking about seeing my stats when I was alone, but if things like that are going to continue to happen, I might as well check.

I decided to sit down briefly to check my stats.

"What!?! They haven't changed!?!" I was quite set aback by this, until I saw something. Wait, there is some sort of point total. Could it be the number of points I can put into my stats?

I couldn't toggle them in manually, as I was once again reminded that their status screen is a touch screen. Because of this, I am idly sad, thinking about my stats.

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