Chapter 21.2: Match 2

Start from the beginning

After quite awhile- night drew near as the sun fell into the horizon. Torches at the peak of each part of the coliseum were lit up, giving more of a ceremonial feeling to this, like a rite of passage. More people came, it wasn't filled completely, but there were greatly more people than normal. Looking at all of them made me feel like a kid in a play opening up the curtains for the first time. It was much the same for me. Except fantasy like. And rather than the battle of showmanship, it was literally a real battle.

I am literally going to fight a fricken hero, for goodness's sake. Why isn't that worrying me, but everything else is? Gosh......

I ended up slapping myself in the face, which caused the receptionist who was managing the right side of the gladiator locker room to be shocked. It was much like a regular locker room, though, most of it was quite worn down from the lack of use. I didn't really take too much notice as there were people to fill in the void, but now, it is quite empty.

After I got pumped up, the receptionist ended up walking over to me.

"It is time."

"Finally." I said before getting off my butt. "It's too long. How long did I even waiting."

"A few minutes."

"A FEW MINUTES TOO LONG." I ended up heartily laughing, to which the receptionists awkwardly laughed alongside me. Aftering relating what I did to the Guild leader, I ended up bowing apologetically to the receptionists for my rude outburst before heading out.

After walking out back onto the familiar arena, everyone began to cheer. Since I got over my anxiety in an anti-climatic way, I guess the cheers weren't too bad.

'On the Right side, the multi-class wonder, Lumiya." People cheered. "And on the Left , the Lion Hero, Sir Damien Redmayne." Rather than have people just cheer, they ended up roaring for him. Already it seemed he was quite popular. It made me a bit jealous. Perhaps I shouldn't go easy on him. No, that will be his choice for this battle.

Compared to the other hero's it seemed that he was about even in terms of the case popularity. I just hope there isn't some broken ability like getting boosted by people's love for him, because that would suck. But since Heroes in general are renowned icons in this world, I am sure that an ability like that is real. Yeah, I should have read Ex.Lumiya's journey on all of the entries on Hero. But then again, that would be the equivalent of looking up advice to beat a boss on the internet. Sure, you will be able to continue, but where is the surprise and thrill you get when you succeed by your own merit?

We both walked onto the arena, me and Damien.

"It seems you got this far."He stated the obvious. "It seems my sister underestimated you, and that was her downfall."

"And you?"

"I watched your matches. You aren't something to sneeze at. Sure, you can move fast, but like that means you can do real damage against me."

It is true that if I came in here with just my flash stepping, it would be quite hard to face him.

"We'll see about that."

"The battle will begin!!!" The referee announced

I immediately unsheathed my weapons. However, it seemed he didn't. That arrogant think he has the vainglory to not unsheathe. I am so going to beat the crap out of him.....Calm down me, if he gets to you, then you are as good as loss. Play to his own beat for now.

I ended up speed blitzing, reaching right in his face, to which he didn't flinch as I ended up striking him with multiple strikes on end. After a few 3 hits, he ended up parrying with his sword, before knocking me away, to which I ended up sliding a few feet away.

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