Becoming The Shadows

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"Wait, what?" Jisoo exclaimed in disbelief, her voice echoing with surprise. The news was so unexpected, it left her completely shocked. However, to her astonishment, Seri seemed unfazed by the revelation. Instead, she gazed back at Jisoo as if she was the one who had just proposed something outrageous.


"What's the matter?" Seri asked, taken aback as she saw Jisoo standing up with a perplexed expression, while the basket she had been holding moments before lay on the ground, tomatoes scattered across the floor.

"What's the matter?"

"Are you serious?"

"How could you even suggest that?"

"What's gotten into you? Are you out of your mind?! Have you gone mad?!!" Jisoo exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief and a hint of disgust as she stared at Seri. Not taking kindly to Jisoo's reaction, Seri quickly stood up to meet her at eye level.

"Gone mad?"

"Me, gone mad?"

"Well, maybe... but I believe it's the least you could do to show gratitude for everything we're doing for you and your children... is to have a child with him!"

"Jungkook deserves to find happiness even though he's bound to you for eternity!"

"Actually, let me correct myself... we're the ones forever bound to you!" Seri retorted, her eyes dark and intense. Jisoo was taken aback by Seri's unexpected defiance.


"So... is that truly how you feel about being with me?"

"Like it's just a duty?" Jisoo spoke, her voice strained with emotion as her chest constricted. Seri scoffed and abruptly turned away.

"It's not that... I do love you... and I would do anything for you and your children. It's just... it's challenging to live like this."

"Do you understand how much I long for freedom?"

"To be able to come and go as I please?"

"I can't do that!"

"I have to wait for Jungkook's commands just to step foot outside of this house!"

"And my responsibility doesn't end there... I still have to safeguard you during my night shifts!"

"Jungkook feels the same... I can guarantee you that!"

"But he endures more because he desires a family, unlike me, who only considers it because of him!"

"I never even considered having children, Jisoo!"

"It has always been to fulfill the desires of the man I love!"

"So the least you could do is have a child with him as a token of appreciation for all the effort we've put in so far!" Seri spat out, unabashed and unapologetic.

Jisoo was rendered speechless; it seemed that everything in life came with a cost, and now she was being asked to pay it. The idea of giving Jungkook a child seemed like sheer madness to her. The thought of having to be intimate with him for the sake of this plan seemed daunting, as seeking an alternative outside their confined world would only bring danger, as their enemies would swiftly track them down.


"I would be willing to carry your child, but I cannot sleep with your husband!"

"Are you out of your mind?"

"That would be highly inappropriate and completely out of bounds!"

"I would be betraying my husband!" Jisoo said, her eyes welling up with tears. Seri frowned and let out a heavy sigh.

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