Chapter 7: Pestering To Death

Start from the beginning

But Mrs. Yeon did not 'forget' about it like Mr. Yeon had said. On top of that, Hayan had to face the music for pissing her mother off that night. The backlash was that Hayan got the silent treatment for half of the day (which she did not mind, she loved it when her mother was quiet) and snarky remarks for the rest of it (which ruined her day). She was not allowed to eat her favorite snacks inside the house, but Mrs. Yeon obviously couldn't stop her from eating out. She couldn't be grounded anymore like she used to when she was younger and that was the only reason Hayan was glad to have become an adult. She knew her mother had less control over her now.  

Mrs. Yeon was so adamant about a blossoming relationship between Taehyung and Hayan that she pestered the girl about it for days. It got to the point where Hayan finally snapped, "You marry him then if you think he's so great!" This infuriated Mrs. Yeon so much that she kept slamming doors and snapping at her for days, going off about how disrespectful and rude Hayan was and that that was not how Mrs. Yeon had raised her.

On a Thursday evening, at dinner, when Hayan was starting to think that Mrs. Yeon had finally given up on pressuring Hayan into being with Taehyung, she brought it up again. It was when Mrs. Yeon and Mr. Yeon were talking about their business and how it was not doing so well recently. 

"See, borrowed luck doesn't last long," Mrs. Yeon sighed, shaking her head at her husband, who did not appear as distressed as her. She stopped eating and looked at Hayan across the table and Hayan knew exactly what she was going to say. She poked at her spaghetti lazily, already losing her appetite. 

"You asked me why you should marry Taehyung when we're rich," Mrs. Yeon paused and waited until Hayan tiredly lifted her gaze from her meal to her mother, then she continued, "Well, this is why, with the way things are right now we might lose all this luxury someday, but if you're with Taehyung you will never—"

"Borrowed luck? I'm glad that you're self-aware at least," Hayan snarked. Mrs. Yeon looked as if someone had insulted her entire bloodline. She clenched her jaw and her grip on the fork tightened. Mr. Yeon also looked startled by his daughter's words but he did not react. Mrs. Yeon, on the other hand, had turned red in the face. She was practically seething, shaking with anger. She was about to explode again and Hayan did not want to hear it. She had heard enough of it in the past few weeks. Putting down her fork, she got up from her chair and stomped off to her room without finishing her food. She had expected to hear Mrs. Yeon yelling behind her, but to her surprise, she remained silent. Hayan wondered if it was because she was too embarrassed or too angry to form a sentence. She assumed it was both.

"Milan, let it go." Mr. Yeon told his wife softly.

But Mrs. Yeon did not let it go. She was the most stubborn and persistent woman Hayan had known. Coming back home had started to become the most hated part of Hayan's day. She already had to be ordered around by Taehyung more than half of the day and now her mother wouldn't stop talking about him at home too. Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung. Everything was always about Taehyung. Will Hayan's life ever be about herself?

"And what about love? Taehyung and I don't have feelings for each other," Hayan tried a different approach to put her mother off. The argument about money wasn't working out. Mrs. Yeon always came up with some illogical reason to justify her intentions.

"Just ask him out," Mrs. Yeon had said but that was the last Hayan wanted to do. She wanted to get as far away from him as possible. She did not want to be with someone she hated and constantly felt inferior around. Who would want to be with their competition?

"What are feelings? Falling in love is easy. If you try to like him, he'll start liking you back." Mrs. Yeon argued, standing over Hayan's head while she was trying to answer a company email.

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