Chapter 4: Family Dinner

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To Yeon Hayan, the worst had already occurred.

They had been invited by Mr. & Mrs. Kim over for dinner, and that was not the news she wanted to hear first thing in the morning. Before she had even opened her eyes properly, Mrs. Yeon was pulling the covers off her, yapping excitedly. Well, there it was, her day was already ruined.

"What an unpleasant morning." She muttered under her breath as Mrs. Yeon urged her to get out of bed and come down for breakfast. It was 8 am. Hayan grimaced when her eyes landed on the clock. Heaven knows she hated waking up early on a weekend. As the fog in her mind slowly cleared, she could finally comprehend her mother's words. While Hayan sat rubbing her tired eyes (she had slept late last night), Mrs. Yeon was going off about how glad she was to have the get-together with her dearest best friend aka Mrs. Kim. It was delightful news, to her mother, a death trap to her. Having dinner together would be a joyous time for all of them to enjoy, except Hayan won't be enjoying, not with Taehyung around.

"We should go shopping after breakfast. Let me get you a beautiful dress for the evening," Mrs. Yeon suggested, now folding the light-purple blanket she had snatched off of Hayan.

"I don't need a new dress for the dinner party, Mom, I already have clothes," Hayan responded, covering a yawn with the back of her hand as she sat up, her hair resembling a bird's nest.

"What are you talking about? The only formal clothes you have are your work clothes. Don't tell me you were planning on wearing those to the dinner," Mrs. Yeon paused, giving Hayan a skeptical look.

"Why not?" Hayan shot back. Her voice cracked a little because of her dry throat. She had barely woken up and already had to converse with her mother, the last person she ever wanted to talk to.

"Hon! You need to start dressing better, you're a proper lady now. Do you want to look average between all of the well-dressed people? My daughter will always look the best in the room, got it? We're going shopping after breakfast and that is final." Mrs. Yeon stated sternly, dropping the half-folded blanket onto the bed carelessly.

"I do have a few dresses I could wear though," Hayan argued. There were two reasons she was so adamant about changing her mother's mind. She didn't want to go shopping with her mother because, one, she was too lazy and tired. Two, she was afraid her mother would overdo it and she would have to wear something embarrassingly extra to the dinner. On a side note, her mother's fashion sense was very different from hers.

"Those are old, you are not repeating outfits." Mrs. Yeon told Hayan, looking so horrified at the thought of wearing the same clothes twice that it made Hayan mentally roll her eyes.

"But I haven't worn them to Mrs. Kim's before,"

"Doesn't matter, and Hayan, I told you before too, no arguing with me." Mrs. Yeon deadpanned. Hayan stared at the overdressed woman with a bored expression. She stood at the edge of her bed, arms crossed, wearing a black midi dress, face covered in her usual makeup, and her hair rolled in a low bun. Hayan wondered how she had the energy to doll up so early in the morning. After their brief stare-down contest, Hayan gave up, like she always had to.

"Fine." She agreed, reluctantly.

"Good," Mrs. Yeon gave her a tight-lipped smile. "now, wash up and come eat. Don't take too long."

Hayan nodded and watched her mother exit the room with her nose up in the air as if she had won an award. Her high heels clacked against the floor and the sound of her feet could be heard from rooms away because of the way she always stomped. As soon as her mother was out of the room and the door shut with a thud, Hayan let out an annoyed groan, kicking the blanket off the bed in frustration.

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