Chapter 9: Uptown Funk

Start from the beginning

Y/n: So um, you girls see a trash can anywhere?

Kyoko: I haven't seen anything

Misako: Just throw it on the ground someone will pick it up later.

Y/n: Nuh uh, give a hoot don't pollute Misako.

Kyoko: Hey what about that dumpster?

She pointed over to a large filth stained dumpster sitting at the entrance into a dark alley, it's lid was halfway flipped open and a weird liquid seemed to be dripping out of a cracked seem near the bottom. Seeing a rat crawled out and scurried through the alley way sent a cold shudder down your body. Even just looking at it made your skin crawl and left you wanting to run home and curl up under your bed with hand sanitizer. Your face was tinged greens as you turned towards your friends with a desperate look.

Y/n: But it looks so gross.

Misako: But don't you give a hoot.

Y/n: Darn you Misako, darn you to heck.

Grumbling you turned back towards the dumpster and hesitantly inched your way towards the filthy cesspit. Flies were circling up above it and the closer you got the more gross details you could make out, but the worst part was when you got close enough to smell it. The stench hit you like a brick wall of stank, a foul rancid odor that made your sinuses burn the closer you got to it. From behind you could hear Kyoko trying to suppress at your disgust, Misako wasn't as subtle with her chuckling at your disgusted retching.

Pushing down your disgust, you sucked it up and walked over to the damned thing to get this over with as fast as possible. Getting right next to the dumpster, you went to toss your empty cup over the empty lid and—

 Getting right next to the dumpster, you went to toss your empty cup over the empty lid and—

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Godai: OH HEY! It's you three again.


Acting reflexively you chucked the empty shake at Godai's face, the paper cup smacking him right across the face and bouncing harmlessly off as he stared blankly at you before bursting into a too widely grinning laugh.

Godai: Oh I'm not a garbage monster it's me, Godai.


Godai: Ah, your funny Y/n.

Y/n: I don't remember telling you my name!

You took a frightened step back and we're about ready to bolt for the hills when the girls arrived next to you looking exasperated at seeing Godai again. Immediately you ducked behind Kyoko's back and bravely cowered behind her, only slightly poking your head out to keep an eye out and make sure the girls didn't need your help to deal with this creep, yep that's the reason.

Misako: What do you want Godai?

Godai: I got another mission for ya.

Misako: Can't we don't have time. We're trying to find find our kidnapped boyfriends remember.

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