Chapter 2

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Lee Beong Chan knew that the virus he had created was dangerous and could spread rapidly. He rushed to the principal's office, hoping to warn them about the impending danger.

Lee Beong Chan: "Detective, you have to believe me. The virus I created is dangerous. It can spread quickly and infect everyone in the school. We have to act fast and contain it before it's too late."

Detective Kim Taehyung: "Mr. Lee, you're not making any sense. How can a virus spread in a school? And why didn't you report it earlier?"

Principal: "Mr. Lee, this is a serious allegation. Are you sure you're not just trying to cover up your mistake?"

Lee Beong Chan: "I didn't report it because I was afraid. I created the virus for my son. But it mutated and became something else entirely. I didn't know how to control it."

Principal: "This is unacceptable, Mr. Lee. You put the entire school at risk because of your personal reasons. I'm afraid I'll have to inform the authorities about this and get you suspended."

Lee Beong Chan: " Do whatever you want but for now we have to contain the virus and find a way to stop it from spreading. Only I can help you with that."

Detective Kim Taehyung: "That may be, but we can't take any chances. We need to get to the bottom of this. We have sent Kim Hyeon-ju to the hospital, to get her treated."

Lee Beong Chan: "No, if you take her to the hospital, it could spread the virus. We need to keep her isolated, in a controlled environment."

Principal: "Mr. Lee, but we can't let our school get involved in this. We need to think of our reputation, our students, and our parents. We'll have to hand over Kim Hyeon-ju to the authorities, and let them deal with it."

Detective Kim Taehyung: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lee, but I have to take you into custody. You have committed a serious crime by experimenting with a dangerous virus without proper authorization."

Lee Beong Chan: "I was desperate. I didn't know what else to do to save my son. But now, I see the mistake I've made. Just let me help contain this virus. "

Detective Kim Taehyung: "I'll consider your offer, but for now, you're coming with me to the station for further questioning."

As Kim Taehyung led Lee Beong Chan out of the school, he couldn't help but feel conflicted. The situation was getting more complicated by the minute, and they had to act fast to prevent a disaster.

Kim Hyeon-ju's condition had worsened so much that she had to be taken to the hospital. She was admitted to the isolation ward, but the virus had already taken hold of her body. The medical staff had never seen anything like it before.

Suddenly, Kim Hyeon-ju's eyes turned red, and she started to convulse violently. The nurses and doctors rushed to her side, but before they could do anything, she broke free of her restraints and lunged at one of the nurses. The nurse tried to fight her off, but Kim Hyeon-ju was too strong.

Other patients and staff members in the hospital watched in terror as Kim Hyeon-ju attacked the nurse, pulling her down and biting her brutally. Her screams echoed through the halls, causing panic to spread like wildfire.

As the virus rapidly spread throughout her body, Kim Hyeon-ju's transformation into a zombie was complete. Her eyes had turned a sickly green, and her skin was now pale and lifeless. She started to attack anyone who crossed her path, creating chaos and destruction in her wake.

The hospital quickly became overrun with infected people. Patients and staff members turned into zombies, attacking anyone who was still human. The sound of screams echoed through the halls as people tried to fight their way out of the hospital.

The nurse, Ms. Kim, was sitting in the nurse room of the school, rubbing her temples as her head throbbed with pain. She had been feeling unwell for a while now, but it had only gotten worse as the day went on. She popped a couple of painkillers into her mouth and washed them down with a glass of water. However, her condition did not improve.

Suddenly, Ms. Kim let out a blood-curdling scream. The students in the nearby classrooms heard the scream and rushed towards the nurse room, their hearts pounding with fear. As they approached the door, they could hear guttural growls and thumps coming from inside the room. They hesitated for a moment before cautiously pushing the door open.

Inside the room, they saw Ms. Kim, who had turned into a zombie, thrashing around wildly. Her eyes had turned red, and her skin was now a sickly shade of grey. She lunged at one of the students, tearing into his neck with her teeth.

The other students watched in horror as the zombie nurse continued her assault. They tried to intervene, but it was no use. Ms. Kim had become incredibly strong and was able to overpower them easily. She attacked another student, and soon enough, the room was filled with the sound of screams, growls, and the sickening sound of flesh being ripped apart.

As the chaos spread, more and more students began to turn into zombies. They roamed the halls, looking for their next victims. The once-calm corridors of the school had turned into a nightmare.

The situation rapidly got out of control. The school was now overrun with zombies, and the students and staff were fighting for their lives. Some students tried to barricade themselves in the classrooms, while others attempted to flee the building altogether. But it was no use. The zombies were too powerful, and they were everywhere.

The scene was pure chaos. There was blood everywhere, and the smell of death hung in the air. The halls were filled with the sounds of screaming, growling, and the sickening crunch of bones being broken. The once pristine school had turned into a gory battleground, with no end in sight.

The virus would spreading rapidly, infecting the entire city within hours. People would die left and right, turning into mindless zombies who only craved flesh and blood. The city would turn into a wasteland, with no hope of salvation.

The world as they knew would end, and it would be all because of one man's selfishness. Lee Beong Chan's virus would cause the downfall of civilization, and there would be no turning back.

Highschool Outbreak: The Virus WithinWhere stories live. Discover now