Wing It Like Witches

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The episode starts off with Boshca talking to herself in a mirror as she gets ready for today.

Boshca: "You are talented. You are a star. You may be hated, so long as you are feared." *She puts on a college jacket.*

The camera zooms out more to see she's in her room that's loaded with trophies.

Boshca: "Most important of all, you are a winner."

She walked out of her room, but before she did, she ripped a page of her calendar to reveal the next page that was covered by a statement "Grudgby Season"

As she walks down to school, every citizen cheers for her.

Citizen: "There she goes, Captain of the Banshees. Off to win another championship for Hexside."

Citizen2: "Why can't you be more like her?" *Looks to her grandchild*

The grandchild just sighs in defeat.

When Boscha made it to Hexside, a magic banner was put up in front of the school, stating, "GO GET 'EM, BANSHEES," followed by fireworks As soon as she was at the front of the school, Skara, Amelia, and Cat followed from behind, looking pretty badass.

Boscha: "All right, girls, you know the drill. Captain goes first."

But before she was gonna go in Y/n passes by her. Boscha notices and doesn't look happy about it. She coughs to get his attention.

Y/n: "Oh hey Skara, sup Amelia, how you doing Cat... Boscha." *Either waves or gives handshake at everyone except Boscha*

Boscha: "Do you mind? I'm trying to enter the school first."

Y/n: *Sarcastic* "Oh, really, I had no idea. I'm so sorry."

He continues to enter the school. Boscha brushed off his foolishness for now and entered the school as well and made an entrance.

Boscha: "Hello, Hexside! Your star has arrived. The groveling line starts here... Something's not right. Nobody is here!"

Y/n walks towards Boscha and points to a passing tumbleweed in the hallway.

Y/n: "Look, Boscha, there's a tumbleweed here for groveling." *Smirking at her*

Boscha walked more down the hall and started to hear giggling she then looked down a hall to see students with Willow. She uses her plant magic to turn plants into students' faces, which is impressing everyone. Y/n walks down to the crowd

Hexside Student 1: "Welcome to the world, little buddy. You're the coolest, Willow."

Y/n: "True that your magic is pretty lit." *Tries to summon fire from his hand, but nothing happened* "Aw man I've been practicing for three nights why haven't I mastered it yet, anyway you know what I was going for."

Willow: *Slightly Blushes* "Aw shucks."

Hexside Student 2: "Yeah, Willow Rules!"

Boscha and co walk down the hall.

Boscha: "Wow, she has to make friends out of plants. How sad."

Willow starts feeling down, and Y/n is gonna jump in and say something to Boscha, but

Amity: "Oh, please. You know. I used to be like you, Boscha, obsessed with status, challenging my competition. But I grew up, when will you?" *Walks away*

Y/n: "Willow might wanna plant some Aloe Vera cause Boscha just got burned!"

Everyone started laughing at Boscha

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