The Tower Quest

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It was a calm night in the Owl House. Not a creature was stirring except maybe some echo mouses.

"Loud Snores!"

And maybe a bit of a snoring problem.

Y/n was sound asleep, dreaming somewhat of a peaceful dream until suddenly he heard a loud snore that immediately woke him up. He jerks up from the couch and scans the room to see what's making that noise, and then, after a few seconds, he finds the culprit.

Hooty: *Asleep* Hoot Hoot Hoot Hoot

Y/n got up and walked towards Hooty to try to shut Hooty up. He first tried waking him up, but he's a heavy sleeper. He then tried to clog his mouth with his blankets and pillow, and well, it did work for a while, but he spit them out and started snoring again. Finally, with his eyes, bloodshot red from lack of sleep, he finally decides to sleep somewhere else, but there's just one other place with such sleeping space. So he slept on the kitchen floor, but just when he felt comfortable, he heard Hooty's snoring getting louder and closer to where he is he's turns around and saw Hooty behind him and looked like he was sleep walking or something. Y/n didn't really know what to say, so he responds by changing his arm into his Kaijin arm and looks at Hooty very Evily.

Y/n: *Tired* "Hooty. . . IT IS TOO EARLY FOR YOUR BULL !"

The morning came, and the rejuvenated Luz came down to the kitchen to see Hooty looking completely beaten up and being used as a pillow for Y/n tired head.

Luz: "What happened to Hooty?"

Y/n: "He had an "accident" last night."

Luz looked at him with her eyebrow lifted up.

Y/n: What? The bird didn't let me sleep with his snoring, and there wasn't any other place to sleep except the kitchen."

Luz: "Well, at least make it look like an accident."

Y/n: "Luz, I hurt him, not kill him, although it was tempting."

Eda: "Good morning Freeloaders, whoa Y/n you look like you've seen better days. What Hooty kept you up all night with your snoring?"

Y/n: "Is it that obvious?"

Eda: "Well, that and the fact I heard Hooty snoring last night."

Y/n: "Uh, im tired of living like this."

Luz: "Y/n, I think you're over exaggerating it's just Hooty, and he annoys everyone in day and night. "

Y/n: "It's not just Hooty Luz. Im tired of sleeping on the couch. My back is starting to feel uncomfortable, especially when Hooty and Cubone over there try to sneak in when I'm sleeping. "

King: "My name is King. Use it!"

Y/n: "Can you stop taking the space from the couch when I sleep?"

King paused

Y/n: "Then Cubone, you shall remain. *Lies down defeated* I just want my own room."

Eda: "Hate to tell you, kid, but this house ain't paradise, but it's home, and it keeps the boiling rain from coming in, so be a bit appreciative to where your staying in. You know you can sleep in Luz's room."

Y/n: "Eda, I may think of Luz as a sister, but she's still a girl, and I'm not that close to sleep next to a girl." *Deep Sigh* "Just wish there was a little more space in this place."

Eda: "Uh, human disappointment is so sad to see. Well, let's fix that up with some parenting." *Clears her throat* "Get dressed and hurry to school before I force you to clean the vacant tower behind the building."

The Eclipse Hopper (TOH/Kamen Rider Black Sun X Male Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें