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IMPORTANT: MUST READ A Note on Chronology of Story Events:

The Legend of Zelda and the Last Knight is a story that will be divided into three volumes. The first volume is self-titled and is complete. If you haven't read that book yet, I suggest you do so in order to understand the context and characters established in this next volume. The second book is named TLOZATLK: Swords and Roses, and the title of the third and final installment is yet to be determined.


Now, it goes without saying that it wouldn't be impossible to read the second volume first and backtrack to the first book, but I don't recommend it. Many events in the second book will reference the first book and tie up loose ends from the first volume. That brings me to my next important note to share.

Some chapters in this story will hearken back to memories before the calamity, while others will show the future of events yet to come and some will even show back into the ancient past pre-first calamity. Most of the story, however, will follow a linear fashion, and the main chapters that are in the present story will be numbered with one, two, three, and so on. Chapters consisting of memories from first-person perspectives won't be numbered at all. Memory chapters in third-person relative to the narrator and characters in those chapters will NOT be numbered as well.

 Memory chapters will work in linear fashion relative to each other. While some chapters will consist of a glimpse of an hour into the past, others will be a day, a fortnight, or even a month's worth of events. I will only use italicized lettering for current narrative chapters that have memories shown between them via flashbacks or other character recall events.

This leads me to my most important detail before you embark on this journey. The first several chapters of this book will be taking a look at loose ends from the previous book and will finish up events from the past one hundred years leading up to the Calamity. If you need a brush-up on context for things mentioned in the past, I recommend reading from the first book several parts, starting with these chapters:

Chapter 26: The Breach of Memories (the second half, when the memory begins)

Chapter 27: Eruptions (where the memory begins)

Chapter: Over Ten Thousand Years Ago, Today (the whole thing)

Chapter 30: Flashback Climax (the part where the memory begins)

Chapter: Why We Failed One Hundred Years Ago - Part 1 (the whole thing)

Chapter 31: From Their Dreams Come Peace (the part where the flashback happens)

Re-reading these should catch you up on any details you may have forgotten or missed. Everything of significance will play a role in my story. I dislike McGuffins or red herrings. That being said, some things will turn out to be minor, whereas others that seemed minor will turn out to be key to the story. You will just have to wait and see.

Now, with no further ado, I hope you enjoy. Let me know your thoughts in a comment below now that my story has reset to zero stars or comments. Thanks! - Sky

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