"Um...I don't know! Maybe it's uh-"

His voice was cut off when he noticed something in the middle of the twister. He pointed a leather-clad clawed finger at the storm, making Ladybug look in the same direction to see if she saw was he was seeing. Her eyes widened and her face paled with absolute terror. Inside the twister, a really small and grayed out black silhouette was hidden in the middle of it. Warped and seemingly trapped inside. That's when it clicked in Ladybug's head, her expression shifting to one of realization.

"It's not a natural storm." She declared, a more sure yet still terrified smile forming on her face. "Chat! Maybe this is why we were given these powers! We need to stop that thing from reigning terror in Paris!"

Chat's eyes creased with genuine confusion. What the hell is she on about? 

"Think about it! Do you think it's a coincidence that we were given these abilities and then this thing appears? No! That's why we have them! We need to work together!" She kept going, hoping that Chat would understand where she's coming from and not just go rouge and leave her by herself to deal with this. When he thought about it, it did make sense. It was a little weird that the kwamis appeared and then there's a giant twister in front of the Eiffel Tower.

He glanced back into Ladybug's bright diamond eyes, them pleading for him to understand. She knew she had to have been right, because if she wasn't...then she'd be lost about this. "Are you with me...partner?"

She held her hand out for him to take. He looked between her and the twister again, adrenaline and fear running through his veins with strong pumps with his racing heart. With a little huff, he took her hand tightly and shook it. "I'm with you."

With his green cat eyes fighting the wind and his hair blowing behind his ears, Chat ran alongside his bug-themed partner across the building rooftops that kept the storm in a bricked cage, while keeping his sights set on the growing cyclone darkening the skies setting over Paris. Ladybug's eyes stayed on the storm as well, her eyes nearing tears from the wind blurring her vision. I hope we can fix this.

She and Chat utilized their equipment to lung themselves to the top of the Eiffel Tower, right behind the cyclone and therefore out of anyones view. Including whatever could've been piloting the storm. Chat perched on the guard-rail while Ladybug looked around to see if the answer to their problem was anywhere nearby. His eyes moving up and down the storm, Chat tilted his head and smacked Ladybugs shoulder beside him to get her attention while not pulling his eyes away.

"Look! I think there's someone stuck inside the storm!" He shouted over the strong winds blowing in their ears while pointing a clawed finger to the storm itself. Ladybug guided her eyes to where he was pointing, and sure enough, the fuzzy silhouette of what looked like a teenage girl writhing in pain right in the middle of the ball of wind. Ladybug and Chat exchanged confused glances, Ladybug squinting her eyes to try to get a closer look from where they were.

"A person...? But that doesn't make any sense! How could a person be in the middle of-"

Suddenly, dark gray clouds smoked up and inhaled the blue skies, permanently hiding the sun away and shadowing the city like a blanket covering a warm lamp. The air grew alarmingly chilled as the winds of the cyclone threatened to toss Chat and Ladybug off the Tower and into the ground, inevitably mounding them to dust. They were knocked off balance slightly, using their arms to cover their faces and fighting against the angered winds that heightened with speed every second.

Down below, their ears caught hint of the concerned and scared voices of civilians on the ground. Men and women, adults and even children, possibly in the path of the storm and easy to get picked up and sucked into it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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