Chapter Four

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A few silent minutes passed and I started to feel a bit hungry, which reminded me of groceries. I got up and excused myself quickly, walking into my room and grabbing a notepad and pen. I get back outside and sit down, accidentally brushing my leg with his as I pass. I scribbled on the top corner of the page making sure the pen worked. "Were you scared?"

Thrown off, I look up at him. My forehead creased together in confusion. That was such an odd question, but on another hand I understood. He did slam doors, which was usually never pleasant. Though I was used to my brothers and their loud antics, I wasn't worried. They did that quite a bit growing up, and I wasn't innocent of it either. Initially, I was scared- since I don't know him at all. But behind his short reasoning and his solemn expression, I could tell he was going through something, and has been for some time. Stating he doesn't get along with his father, I knew where he was coming from. Having a rocky relationship with a parent wasn't an easy thing ever. They were supposed to care for you and love you unconditionally. Arguments were normal obviously, but when they treated you like they didn't even like you, it was wrong. My mother always made me feel like I was a problem simply for just existing, and I believed it for a long time. I wasn't sure the depth of his issues with his dad, but if he's this angry, I assume it's around the same.

"I think I was a bit worried for a minute but honestly I was more confused than anything. Just because I don't really know you really." I reply, not wanting him to feel more bad than he already does. I wasn't lying. I could sense he was trying to hide his expression by turning away. Maybe a bit of regret? Who knows. His leg was still bouncing vigorously. "But honestly don't sweat it. I have three brothers, I'm used to loud sounds and living in a chaotic household." I try to be casual, also hoping to ease his worries. I noticed he doesn't answer here and there, and just nods or smiles. I always try to say something, even if I'm unsure of what I even want to say. Sometimes it's word vomit but I feel better than staying silent. That's just me though. It doesn't bother me that he does this, I find it interesting. I was used to being around my family who were loud and open about anything, sometimes a bit too much.

"So... still up for grocery shopping?" I break the silence.

Thankfully he was still game. We started each listing things off back and forth, starting with more necessary items we need like meat, bread, rice and so on. We then moved into snacks like crackers, fruits. Lastly we moved to wants rather than needs such as cookies, ice cream. I think when I said gummy worms he wanted to laugh but held it in for some reason. He was relatively stoic, all of the time really.

The back and forth game was actually pretty fun, and it helped me get to know what he liked and disliked food wise. I mentioned pineapple and he made a disgusted face but when I said bagels he seemed into it. The list was decently sized, and we didn't want to overdo it. Without a thought we both headed inside to get ready to go. I noticed he was still in his clothes from brunch, so he went to his room to change into some more casual clothes. I was fine in my overalls. I placed the grocery list in my fanny pack and slung it across my chest. I went to the counter and grabbed my car keys, planning on driving us. He's had a rough day, and he already had to drive around today to his family's and back. I wondered if it was far out, since he was gone for some time.

He exits the room in his usual ensemble, shorts and a shirt. This one didn't have sleeves though, exposing a relatively big tattoo in his upper arm. It looked like he had cut the sleeves off the shirt himself, the edges were rough and looked torn. He noticed my keys in my hands and looked up at my face. "I'm driving." I state.

He looked like he wanted to protest, but he ended up shrugging and going to pull some running shoes on. I go grab my converse and sit on the floor, pulling them on and lacing them up. I should have done this while he got dressed. He glances at me on the floor, then goes and grabs his sunglasses. I actually didn't mind these silences, it wasn't awkward or anything like I anticipated it would be. Nothing wrong with being quiet, especially if you have nothing to say. When we both stand, he opens the door, and motions with his free hand for me to go first. I nod in thanks and walk out. He locks it after us and we make our way to my car.

You and I will be alrightМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя