Episode 9: Assult on the Docks

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Vale: Cafe

Two days after the big drama both Jaune, Blake and the monkey Faunus known as Sun Wukong were having some coffee to start their morning off at a nearby cafe

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Two days after the big drama both Jaune, Blake and the monkey Faunus known as Sun Wukong were having some coffee to start their morning off at a nearby cafe.

Sun: So let me get this straight. You're a clone trooper who is part of this Galactic Republic and have laser weapons, space ships, and wizards?!

Jaune: They are called Jedi but yes we do.

Sun: That's so awesome. So what about you uh Blake?

Blake: ... *sigh* Ok so you both want to know more about me right?

Sun/ Jaune: Sure/ Seems fair since you know more about me.

Blake: Sun, Jaune are you both familiar with the White Fang?

Jaune: No. Not really.

Sun: I do. Almost every Faunus around the world know who they are. A violent group who uses force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks if you ask me.

Blake: I was... once a member of the White Fang.

Sun: *cough* Wait a minute, YOU were a member of the White Fang.

Jaune: So she was right but... why?

Blake: Well I was a member for almost my entire life. I guess you can say I was almost born into it. Back then things were different. In the ashes of war the White Fang were meant to be a symbol of peace and unity for the Faunus and the humans. Of course there are people who resisted that peace and still treat us as freaks. Humanity still think of us as lesser beings. So the White Fang rose up as a voice to the people. So there I was, took part of every rally, every boycott. And I thought we were making a difference but it was all a fantasy. Then five years ago our leader stepped down and a new one tools it's place. A new leader with new ideas. Then from peaceful protest to organized attacks. We would set fire to shop who would not serve us and would hijack cargo from companies that is Faunus labor. But the worst part it was working. We were being treated as equals. But not from respect but from-

Jaune: Fear. Humans are now seeing that the strength of the Faunus and are afraid of what they are capable of.

Blake: Correct. Does that happen to you Jaune?

Jaune: Somewhat. Though there was one general who betrayed us the most.

Sun: Who's that?

Jaune: *pulls out a holoprojector that's shows General Krell* This was General Krell. Durning the battle of Umbara our main general, general Skywalker was ordered to return to Coruscant immediately giving us general Krell to us but his plans reckless and would get many of my brothers killed. We tried to give him some ideas but he refuse each and every one of them. Then we learn of his betrayal of a heart breaking event.

Blake: What's that?

Jaune: ... we were told that the umbarans were where our armor so we engaged them as told but our captain, captain Rex saw this and immediately told us to stop firing, we were... we were shooting at our brothers.

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