Episode 7: Unexpected attack

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On board one of the three bulkheads team JSPR was now face to face with Glynda but also three new guest on board.

Weiss: Um professor. Who are they?

Glynda: Meets Karl, Io, and Saphron Arc. They are our guest and would like to see your team in action.

Weiss: I remember now, you had a son. What was his name?

Saphron: His name was Jaune. He was a adventurous little brother a sister could ask for.

Ruby: Funny our leader here is also name Jaune.

Io: Really?

Jaune: Yes ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you both. But for some reason you all look oddly familiar?

Karl: We do?

Jaune: Could be my imagination though.

Karl: I see. By the way, aren't you a bit old to be a student?

Jaune: I am an exception thank to the headmaster. Now I'm the leader of team JSPR.

Io: I see that. I'm surprised that the great Pyrrha Nikos is on your team as well.

Jaune: How we met is nothing special ma'am. So Miss Goodwitch what is our objective today?

Glynda: Your teammates and other will be collecting one jar of red sap from the trees of the Forever forest. We will return to Beacon at 4:00.

Ruby: Let's just hope Nora doesn't eat the sap.

Pyrrha: *chuckels* Know her she will.

Ruby: Oh that reminds me did Jaune gave you this. *shows a communicator*

Pyrrha: Yeah he gave it to all of us. He Saids it's like a scroll but for military purposes.

Weiss: Well I think it's a good idea. If one of us were lost we can just activate a beacon and call for help.

Pilot: Ma'am we are approaching the LZ.

Glynda: Good. Keep her steady.

Jaune: *looks to his team* Keep those heads on a swivel. Everyone goes home today.

SPR: Yes sir!

*doors open*

Jaune: This is as close as we are getting. Comms on, weapons hot, and STAY together!

SPR: Yes sir!

As they landed team JSPR hoped out and check the area for any signs for Grimm. Lucky no Grimm were in sight.

Jaune: Ms. Goodwitch the LZ is clear. No signs of hostiles yet.

Glynda: Very good trooper, let's proceed to the next phase and get everyone together.

Time skip

As everyone was gathering sap from the trees team CRDL was planning a revenge attack on Jaune by filling up a jar with sap and wasp as a prank. They were about to throw the jars when one of Cardin's goons notice a round object nearby.

Russel: Hey guys look.

Cardin: What is it now?

They approached the round cylinder object and realized it was a pod of some sort.

Sky: Looks a like a drop pod form one of those movies.

Dove: Oh please it more looks like an Eva pod from those sci-fi video games you play so much.

Sky: Shut up.

Cardin: Both of you shut up! *presses a button* What the?

Just the light turn red as it's shows what was unknown to them but well known to the Republic.

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