"And what's that supposed to mean?" said Ace.

"The average test scores across every level of potionology are over 90. Professor Trein has remarked upon similarly positive trends in his magic history classes."

"Say what?!" said Deuce.

"Mraaah?!" Grim exclaimed.

"Uh-oh," said Ace. "I don't like where this is going..."

"The school's fifty highest achievers will be posted in the hall," said Crewel. "You can look forward to seeing that shortly. Now, let us begin today's lesson. Open your textbooks."

Right after class, my friends and I headed out to check the highest achievers. "Okay, where am I in the top fifty?" said Grim, hopping up and down. I grabbed him and lifted him so he could view the postings.

"With an average score over 90, we've gotta be in there, right?" said Ace.

"First ten places...nope. Twenty...nope. Forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty...nope. Wait a minute- I ain't in here at all!"

"N-neither am I..." said Deuce.

"Hooold up," said Ace. "There's a list of the total scores each top achiever got across all subjects. The top thirty scored perfect marks— 500 points!"

"PERFECT MARKS?!" Deuce and Grim exclaimed.

"Can thirty students really ace every test?" I said dubiously.

"B-but if I don't make it into the top fifty, that counts as a breach of contract!" said Grim. Confused, I slowly set him down.

"Wait, 'contract?'" said Ace. "Oh no. Grim, did you...?"

"Judging by the look on your face, Ace," said Deuce, "don't tell me you also-" I stood there, dumbfounded, as a sea anemone appeared on each of their heads.

"MYAH! What in the world?!" said Grim. "A sea anemone just sprouted outta my head!"

"G-Grim, you made a contract too?!" said Deuce. "You big cheater!"

"Yeah, whatever, Deuce," said Ace. "You're just as guilty, keepin' your friends close and your anemones closer over there!"

"I'll just give it a quick tug, and..." Grim said as he grabbed at the sea anemone. "OW! It's not comin' out!"

"What's with the influx of sea life?" I said, feeling totally lost.

"I came to see what all the commotion was," said Jack. "Why am I not surprised it's you guys? What're you doing?"

"Jack, did you make a contract too?" said Deuce. "Wait... You don't have an anemone!"

"So much for looking like a bad boy," said Ace. "You're more of a square than Loosey-Deucey over here!"

"Okay, what?" said Jack. "I'm completely lost here. What are you talking about, and what are those things growing outta your heads?"

"That's what I'd like to know," I said.

"Look, it's uhhh..." Grim started. "MROW?! What now? This dang anemone's yanking my head!" He appeared to be pulled to the right by an unsee-able force.

"Owww, geez!" said Ace. "It's gonna rip my noggin off!"

"So when he wrote 'absolute obedience,' this is what he meant..." said Deuce.

"AaaAAAaaaAGH!" all three of them groaned as they walked away. I stared after them in confusion.

"What now?" said Jack. "The way they were walking, it was like the anemones were pulling them in that direction. Is a picture that stupid still worth a thousand words...?"

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